Yes, capitalists will develop the vaccine. Not Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia or China. Thank God you are lucky enough to live in a free market country.
Edit: Yes, mikesx I missed the sarcasm, sorry. I respect you, I just misunderstood. Yes, I read and just now re-read your linked story. It doesn't mention the word "vaccine." And if China leaked the virus as a trade war bio-weapon, my guess is that they have no interest in selling any vaccine to us.
And, yes, this Bernie Sanders' Communism vs Capitalism corruption has me a little sensitive. So, let me just say it clearly to all. I like being paid for my labor, my products, and my creativity. My guess is that if I had to give it away, it would mean that it wasn't worth paying for.
Money is what Free Men use to express Gratitude to other Free Men in return for their valuable services, products and creativity including saving the lives of themselves, their spouses, their children and their parents.
If anyone is looking for some "valuable" reading during the stay in place order, may I suggest Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead, or her Atlas Shrugged. Both written in 1940's America after her family escaped from the Soviet Union where everything was "free" and everyone worked for "free" for the "good" of their fellowman which resulted in, what was in effect, an Economic Depression for the duration of the Soviet Union.