wamiltons vs WCF hulls


Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
ok I canceled my order. I just ordered a set of foot holds and mat kit for my 99. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense to hold on to my 99.. I just have to install the holds and now I can get a free style hood for it that should save me a few lbs. I'd like to paint the top deck so it all would match.

The only guy I've talked to is jetski that lives sort of close to me, but he's 2hrs from me. I live in the land of no stand up riders! :thumbsdown: IT sucks cause I"d love to ride with guys who could teach me some chit.

Thanks for all your help guys! my plan is to build my engine this winter, and ride this ski till I learn more about whats out there in the way of hulls. I gotta get out to a free ride so I can meet some guys and see some of these hulls in person.
ok I canceled my order. I just ordered a set of foot holds and mat kit for my 99. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense to hold on to my 99.. I just have to install the holds and now I can get a free style hood for it that should save me a few lbs. I'd like to paint the top deck so it all would match.

The only guy I've talked to is jetski that lives sort of close to me, but he's 2hrs from me. I live in the land of no stand up riders! :thumbsdown: IT sucks cause I"d love to ride with guys who could teach me some chit.

Thanks for all your help guys! my plan is to build my engine this winter, and ride this ski till I learn more about whats out there in the way of hulls. I gotta get out to a free ride so I can meet some guys and see some of these hulls in person.

SuperJett lives in louisville and there are some others as well that live in the area
ok I canceled my order. I just ordered a set of foot holds and mat kit for my 99. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense to hold on to my 99.. I just have to install the holds and now I can get a free style hood for it that should save me a few lbs. I'd like to paint the top deck so it all would match.

Good call IMO


New York Crew
Western New York
my current boat is a '99 hull. that thing has been to hell, back, and is currently there again. still going. :wiggle:

seems the older the hull, the stronger they are.........

you may be right...

my 2001 has taken a sick beating... more sandbar nose stabs then i care to remember, crunched on rocks in shallow water near the breakwall practicing re-entries, many many many failed BRs and several failed BF attempts... that thing has held up well.

i finally reinforced it last winter after discovering mucho bond line cracks - has not cracked any more since.

have to keep repairing the nose - since i keep hitting bottom - but TC is going to make me a carbon nose piece - I just need to call him.

other than that it's a very strong hull.

Newman's '05 on the other hand - cracking developed within weeks of buying.


Fiberglassing Newb
Cincinnati, OH
I got the wamiltons cyclones with there mat kit. I figured the mat kit would be easier to install since its pre cut. Anyone have experence with this mat kit?? I assume its tried a true? I know theres padding on the bottom and around the holds, do I need padding on the sides?
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RN Surgery... soon
seems the older the hull, the stronger they are.........

Buddy busted an 05' 2 wks ago. Flatwater, cracked right below bondline 5" long, wide enough to put a flathead screwedriver in it. :squint: And he doesn't even roll... Piece of junk!

The 07's have been known to crack. Or so they have been said on here.


i will let you know in the future have had many a wammer hulls and now about .to build a wcf hull so we will see how it . i would do the mods and then go with the hull later and sell your old one to another guy getting started .


wow i still cannot believe 3500 for a stock hull wow !!! i just sold a stock 06 footholds installed , scupper ,reinforced ,gas cap filled , tubbies for 1500 never seen water . and it was posted back in june i would have the turf installed if i were you it will be harder than doing the foot holds or a trim tube . i hope you at least got a hood and nose piece.
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