Other Waterbox...do you really need one?

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
I rode my blaster without a waterbox for a couple hours one day. Sounded pretty awesome. But I could see it being annoying to other people. Was pretty loud. Lol

Yeah i bet. Probably a bad way to look at it but your riding to make you happy so I dont mind much for what people say. In Bakersfield we love loud engines at drag strip, hydro racing, and the lake with the jet boats or boats with stereos. There is an exit for the people who can't look the other way. I will say it helps warn jet skier where i am on the water ha. Ranger....well thats different. Only thing to do is make friends with them before you ride there lol


Arlington TX
You should route the exhaust up through the dash and have it pointed right at your face! Less chance of water getting in and you can really enjoy how awesomely loud it is. :headbang:


Yo hablo ingles
Prob catch some flak but I love no waterbox. I know everyone on the lake is aware of my ski. I don't har to be as careful of other boats. I still am but it's more piece of mind. Helps in surf also becuase buddoes will be able to tell when you go down even if they dont see you.

People and cops are going to hate your ski even if its powered by water itself and 100 percent silent. We are just like skateboarders to everyone else. I've stopped trying to make others happy.

Never once ever had a problem with water flooding my engine. My ski has been thrown from man feet up from failed rolls and landed upside down many times floating. I sink my ski more than anyone I know. I float kn the middle of the lake all the time. Couple times or over an hour. In run stok exhaust

Buddy removed he stock baffle and had problems hydro locking.

Its not just the other visiters to the lake you're annoying, its the people you hang out with at the lake too. They probably dont say anything to you because they're respectful, but you're annoying the poop out of them.

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
You should route the exhaust up through the dash and have it pointed right at your face! Less chance of water getting in and you can really enjoy how awesomely loud it is. :headbang:

Between your avitar and that exhaust idea you got me laughing man.


You should route the exhaust up through the dash and have it pointed right at your face! Less chance of water getting in and you can really enjoy how awesomely loud it is. :headbang:
well i was going to do that so in the winter i could route the exhaust in my wetsuit but i am just not to sure.
Its not just the other visiters to the lake you're annoying, its the people you hang out with at the lake too. They probably dont say anything to you because they're respectful, but you're annoying the poop out of them.

? You know what my buddies like?

sorry but IVe put many hours in the tray of skis in nor cal. Like alot of others on here. I know how it is up here. They hate standups no matter what you do. Quiet and slow or Lou and fast gets the exact same response. Guaranteed.

The jet boats are 10x louder and 10x more frequent than a ski with no waterbox. I love the sound myself. It never gets annoying to me. Ever. Motors going full bore is epic. If you don't like it honestly I'm sorry about your luck. Get over it.

Prob sound like a douche I k ow. I've just spent too much time being messed with just because I enjoy riding standup jet skis.


Arlington TX
If I was trying to enjoy the beach with my kids and someone had a loud ski that was annoying as F and scaring my kids... It would be your problem too. Cause I'd be on the phone with whatever agency to 'help you understand' that other people don't want to hear your obnoxious boat.

Ya know... Ya'll crack me up... seriously. Ya'll are putting the cart before the horse. Stop bitching about being 'messed with' in one sentence and then saying you're gonna run without a waterbox and F everyone else.

You can ride your ski AND not be a Dbag who ruins everyone else's day. Run a fcukin waterbox.


i got a set up to quiet her down. If someone was to come up to me and say ur boat is to loud i wouldnt tell them to pound sand. But what isnt cool is just calling the rangers befor you try to talk to that person. know if the tell you to kick gravel and travel well that's another story. But yes if told by someone that my ski is to loud for them and there children i would gladly quiet it down for them.

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
i got a set up to quiet her down. If someone was to come up to me and say ur boat is to loud i wouldnt tell them to pound sand. But what isnt cool is just calling the rangers befor you try to talk to that person. know if the tell you to kick gravel and travel well that's another story. But yes if told by someone that my ski is to loud for them and there children i would gladly quiet it down for them.

Yea but half the people that dislike the noise are the type to let their wife handle before them, or they will just make the call to rangers. Most people don't have morals to act like men any more. Was at the lake yesterday, had a great time with new people and some had AM parts so they were loud. If anybody would have asked to be quiet i know any of us would have even on a lake were you can hear the skis even if your on the opposite of the water. I try not to annoy people but by them making a call it annoys me. How can both people be happy. Come over and talk like a man and not somebody who will make phone calls for us to understand. IF people don't talk to eachother nothing gets worked out in the end for either person


Arlington TX
I see your point, but you know if your ski is obnoxious before you leave the house. People shouldn't have to ask you. It's common courtesy.

i see what you're saying, but I shouldn't have to come ask. It's common sense.


for sure i understand that. we could go back and forth all day about it lol. Yes at the end of the day you are 100% right about common courtesy.

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
I get the common courtesy thing. But where and when I ride. Nobody cares for noise lol. THe louder the more people look, and come talk to you to see whats powering it ha. Maybe it cuz its a redneck city and everybody except the prius drivers either has straight pipes or stacks on their truck lol
This is funny. 550s with pipes are louder than a stock sj with no waterbox. The lake is a Loud place. People bring toys there. People run them hard.

guess what? I'm the type of guy that if I knew you called the cops for noise. I'd go out my ski on the cart right next to your campsite and work on it at wot. Douche meet douche. Good luck getting someone in trouble for noise also. Never been told by a cop that it Matters at all whatsoever.

Live and let live. I can move riding spots. Fisherman can mover fishing spots. Swimmers can pick different beaches. Get over it


Yo hablo ingles
There is absolutely no performance gain from running no waterbox. All you're doing is further perpetuating the bad image that jeskiiers have by being the douchebag with the unnecessarilly loud ski. Have a little respect for others.


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
I ran my yamasaki conversion ski with no waterbox. it was loud but no louder than side exit exhaust. I also only rode surf at the time and the noise wasnt really bothering anyone. With that being said I never had any issues with water coming back but i didnt really chill out in the surf, not running.

I would only recommend running without one if absolutely necessary. I just gave SuperN8 a sweet waterbox delete pipe so he can make the deadline for his build.


lol wut?
South Jersey
To each their own and all but running no waterbox is just handing the tree huggers and eco nuts more ammunition for them to use against us and get us banned everywhere. It's happening right now. More and more riding spots are being closed off to us.

The noise might not bother you or your friends but this is the kind of stuff people look for to complain about. More and more complaints get filed, then something has to be done about it. 9 times out of 10, the state/county/park/whatever will quietly have a meeting and just slap a sign up banning us instead of increasing patrols and enforcing noise ordinances. Then you can't ride there, your buddies can't ride there, and I can't ride there anymore. Please don't ruin it for us.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
^^While true, law enforcement can be very selective about actually enforcing that, depending on locale. I've had cops comment on that a few years ago once (oddly enough, he complimented me on my "quiet" ski, despite it having a dry pipe and dried out water box). But in our regular riding spots (about a 15 mile section of river), three separate patrolling agencies have never commented on noise in over 10 years of riding. And the skis have included no waterbox/almost no waterbox skis.

mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
All very true. For the riding spot i go to 9 times out of 10 its 15 miles away from the houses that are far from the city center, about 10 miles from the freeway, and the ony people near by are the farmers and gun range. Noise isn't really enforced at the spot that i have noticed, but i also go to other lakes (rarely) so its just not worth it to be TOO loud. I will run a waterbox, I just was wanting to test the boat for the day while i was getting my raider waterbox cut down a bit for better fitment in the blaster.

My decision came to me when i became too scared to start my own ski on the stand because of the noise i heard when i put a drop off starting fluid in the cylinders just to hear the noise. HOLY CHIT! I love it, but its too loud to even hear if its running 100% smooth or running away lol
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