Wdk-1200 Failure!!!!!!!!

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Louisville, Ky
Ok, I see what you are saying now. Stuff happens sometimes and hope it gets taken care of. As far as the case work Waterdawg does a good job. No hand porting of the cases on that motor, all CNC. And the 66e casts are achually good quality. The eposy is there for added strength after porting, just like on 62t motors.


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Why must I build it??????
South Africa
2nd gen sleeves
On the other cylinder they are bored right into the epoxy in 2 spots, so the epoxy is a definite must.
I was running my own carbs with VF2'sand stock electrics as rest of stuff hasn't arrived yet, was way rich but still ran pretty good.
Got notified by customs on Thursday about a parcel in the country from WDK, so hopefully that has the rest of my stuff.
Crankcase can be fixed with Eli-Fil aluminuim epoxy, need sleeve, piston and dome. The conrod seems to only have the copper coloured coating delaminated at the pit marks.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I have to ask this in all seriousness,If it was known that the area will be too thin afer boring wouldn't it make more sense to tig up the outside area of the cases in those spots.I have seen massive amounts tigged up on aluminum car heads before due to areas getting thin after porting,same principal applies here.


I am not sure, but you would probably have to be careful of warpage if you started welding that light cast. If you could get a good welder that could just build up the thin areas before boring without applying too much heat, it would probabaly work. Also I would think that a light glaze of epoxy around the weld edges would be a good idea. Every time I have seen anything tig welded that needs to be sealed it has had small pin hole leaks. The welder explained that impurities in the material caused this. A little epoxy and a pressure test would be needed IMO.
cases didn't just pop a hole in themselves for no reason, there is obvious debris that got between the crank and cases. Since you bought that motor then took it apart and ported it yourself you cant blame waterdawg. I rode a 1200 ski at the final that had hours and hours of use on it.
To top it off you post negatives before you even contact Jeff.
Good luck with this one

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
hey Tom, what if the tolerence between the crank and the crank walls was to close, and the crank was lightly tapping the sides??

but foreign object does seam more feasible.
hey Tom, what if the tolerence between the crank and the crank walls was to close, and the crank was lightly tapping the sides??

but foreign object does seam more feasible.
not possible oem crank, oem cases

Jeff and i discussed this, one hypothosis is the additional exhaust port porting that rotation did cut into the machined stops for the powervalves, causing them to drop.
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Why must I build it??????
South Africa
Dream on superramjet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Climb out of Jeff's rear and see the light.
Didn't touch the port side only the flange area, I know how to build engines unlike wdk
Realised this weekend that when I always primed the carbs after re-jetting by putting my had over the top of the carbs that the front carb always had less suction, but at the time I put it down to the carbs not being 100% synced due to the front butterfly being more closed. The fact was that obviously the hole was there all the time causing either a lean seizure or foreign matter to enter the crankcase
I can show you pics of porting and valves are 100%
My partner met Jeff and Chris this weekend in Havasu this weekend and realised they are total thieves. They blamed Ed Brazina for me not having my carbs, when he spoke to Ed he was told that wdk had queried about carbs months ago but nothing had been ordered. Ed was also not happy about them piggybacking on his stall at Havasu last year.
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