get your facts straight sonny. never said it needed a CNC. just a simpile question for some one that builds more then just one motor. CNC is faster and more precise when doing more then just one. plus i can tell whats driving that mill.
Nah it was a straight question. I've spent plenty of time behind the wheels of manual and CNC both as an operator and a programmer, trust me you couldnt tell whats driving it from that picture (plenty of CNC knee mills exist which would be indistinguishable from a manual mill in that picture, bridgeport series 2 for example). Besides a manual knee mill with a powerfeed X axis would be able to produce the same surface finish and hold the same tolerances as a CNC.
Didnt mean to start an arguement, my point was that either could hold the same tolerances and would be fit for the job. I prefer runnign CNC's, and can usually do most jobs faster on them, just think it's silly to assume something is automaticly better because it was done CNC.