You're asking what lanyard people are running with total loss?![]()
I just turn the idle down and zip tie the SS switch
I was running the lanyard shown in an attempt to simplify my setup. The lanyard switch was acting as the on/off for the TL and then I was running a single starter button. Less bulky on the handlebars than the OEM setup and eliminates the need to run the shifty mod with the OEM switch. Obviously its failed after a year of use so it wasn't a perfect solution. That's kinda why I was asking what other guys were running. Seeing if there was a better lanyard switch than the one I had. Obviously the OEM is an option. Matt, not sure why your saying the lanyard has nothing to do with TL?
yep matte your right anything could happen. But in my experience in the last 18 years in the industry. I have never experiened this. Maybe I been lucky. Even with 40 plus rental boats I maintained for 6 years.Do whatever suits you, but don't go pretending that 4 years of being lucky without the proper safety equipment mean that you're somehow responsible. It takes half a second for a throttle spring to break (had it happen personally), a tight cable to pull the throttle open, some debris in the throttle lever to hold the throttle open, or a broken pole to jam the throttle open. Think it can't happen to you because you've been doing it for 4 years? A local racer who's been on the water for well over a decade had something go wrong in a split second and his SJ went full throttle (riderless) up a bank and severely injured a kid. Last I heard, the case was still in litigation.
There are plenty of cases all the time where this happens. It isn't something strangers on the Internet come up with to scare you.
So yeah, whatever floats your boat - but calling it responsible is bull.
Good luck