Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama

He said it was actually very comfortable with all the pad on the top of his feet. Seems like most do a large layer of pad on the bottom, very small layer of pad on the top. His was like 2 inches of top padding, could be on to something.

Dude, I gotta give credit to my homeslice chick for the idea. When we all rode down in PC....when I rode his ski, I was like ... oh hell yes! I think he had a 1 inch layer of foam and then turf. It was super comfortable... No more beating the poop out of the top of my feet! I am gonna be running 1 inch or so plus turf on the top of my footholds from now on. It's gonna be cadillac cushy!
Makes sense to me. I've never really had the bottoms of my feet hurt, however most footholds beat the bejesus out of the tops of them.
Can't wait to ride that thing Steve.. When is it going to the paint shop?
Not sure if I am gonna paint it. I might just turf it and ride it. I am not sure what I am gonna do. I am gonna go riding again tomorrow and get it broke in good before I do anything cosmetic!

I'd just rock it out. Maybe even put the stock graphics you want, over the visual carbon. Freakin' sick man. Mad props Steve!!


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
What's a baller like you doing with a carbon hull that looks like azz? :biggrin:

J/K, looks great. I'd paint it to protect the carbon, though.

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Just make sure to keep track of all the hours you put on that thing. I'm already saving money so when it gets old and worn out, say around the 5 hr mark, I'm ready to pounce on that sweet hull too. :naughty:
You know what Boyer...that is kinda funny. I told Gil last night or the night before that now that I am done building it, I will probably ride it for a little bit then part it out! It's kinda like building it seems to be the fun part. :scratchchin:


Ride for life
North NJ
Thank's John, you truely are nice guy. It is such a shame people from Jersey are always bad mouthed for their attitudes.:ugh2:

Quit your crying fatboy and get to wrenching instead of typing:nono:
Your just upset cause YZ does work and your too fat & lazy to do any:spank:

Glad to hear the boat runs good YZ. :Banane01:
I wasn't very impressed with the person that glassed in the footholds. The foam filler holes were left open also, so I added a half a pound or less to the ski. I decided to lay one layer of chop around the footholds and also cover the foam fill holes. I decided against paint, so I am going to go ahead and turf it. I might work on that some today.


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