I got the chance to ride this beast yesterday, and all I can say is, WOW. I've never been on anything with that much power. I felt like I was the dudes in the flat water videos, this boat SKIES off the smallest setup wake.
Mad props to Thrust Innovations.. This engine package is the shiz. Unreal power. Hit's crazy hard off the bottom and pulls like a jet all the way. Scary top end.
The Thrust trim setup on this boat was very impressive. So easy to pull and hold, even with ridiculous power. I didn't have the balls on the first ride or two to pull it, and the throttle at the same time, haha.
All it would take is someone with a little skill, and this boat will be doing consecutive backies.
Thanks for letting me ride it Steve. Now I don't know what to do.. I don't even want to ride my own any more. It was so bad ass it makes me want to sell everything I own, buy a package like that, and live in a tent in the woods with it forever.