Custom/Hybrid Welcome to Alabama


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
You rode a week or two earlier than me last year. Remember that rock in the pump? That water was cold! I am not sweating on riding until mid May. I just found a cheap X2 I am thinking of buying for parts to part out and have a few spare things.
You rode a week or two earlier than me last year. Remember that rock in the pump? That water was cold! I am not sweating on riding until mid May. I just found a cheap X2 I am thinking of buying for parts to part out and have a few spare things.

I forgot about that. Sumbiatch that was fawkin' cold! ! ! !

Spare parts? Like you ain't got enough Dave? :woot:


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Very true, Tracy wanted me to let her build it. I was like um... it is the same as the one you already have...

Gildo was riding all last winter long. He is not afraid of shrinkage!
I'm old. Us old fellas ain't as hardcore as you young whippersnappers. I rode last March with DBR... and it was freaking cooooold! The water isn't going anywhere....I'll wait till it warms up a hair.
You know I'm just busting balls Steve. Take your time, I just want to take it for a ride. I never got to ride Black Power, now I'm going to ride his bigger lighter brother.
Call me whacha like! :beerchug:
I'll wait until I see you ride it to call you names!


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I predict the power pickle will be back flipping before the carbon 8mil is.
It may be years b4 I can afford a big enuf motor and ballz to back flip my oem hull ski, but it will be even longer b4 Steve gets the carbon 8mil on the water. LMAO BAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Bust on Steve all you want Gil. And when you get done, give Scorn and Wedoo he!! too. If it my ski and Iwill put it together when I feel like it. Paybacks are a b!tch.


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I'm gonna take this one step further-Scorn will be bustin backys over the log jumps during a race on his SXR b4 Steve gets in the water with his carbon 8mil.
Total Loss or Totally Lost?:biggrin:




Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Ok something is up here... First I see a work bench and shelves. Then I don't see any Sun Drop or Michalobe?

I just showed Tracy and she said Steve has a work bench now?

Wax's cover loosk pimp.
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