what is the best motor mount


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
hre ya go

so how are some guys running 2 gp mounts in the rear, and 2 sj mounts in front.

its clearly a different height from one mount to the other, this is what kept me from using these myself. im afraid it wont align and ill be breaking midshafts.

my question is how is the driveline staying aligned now that you are raising the motor so much?


This Is The Way
Staff member
so how are some guys running 2 gp mounts in the rear, and 2 sj mounts in front.

its clearly a different height from one mount to the other, this is what kept me from using these myself. im afraid it wont align and ill be breaking midshafts.

my question is how is the driveline staying aligned now that you are raising the motor so much?
Im not sure about the people just bolting the mounts in, unless with the stock SJ mounts the motor needed a buttload of shims then the GP mounts would take up the space. The only way I can see it working is to mill off the bottom of the GP mount.
I think we are only talking about what 3mm? Last I looked I think the manual allows for 1 mm out of tolerance on the couplers and doubt seriously that 3mm is gonna hurt a thing.
The concern needs to be more of the pump shaft alignment than the coupler as noted before.
Talk about a score ~ I just wiped out 3 mounts and found 4 low time GP mounts buried in my garage that I thought I would never be able to use!!!
Thanks guys!


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
yesh,I dont see how?

aren't you the one who reuses the same shims one new mounts? I have hard time believing you're actually checking alignment anyway.

and again, how many SJ midshafts get stripped? how often do stock motor mounts break?

for me, I've never stripped a shaft and I've broken plenty of stock and aftermarket mounts.
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This Is The Way
Staff member
I am not sure that picture gives and accurate depiction of how much taller the mounts are (or how much they would throw off the alignment). Correct me if I am wrong but to be accurate you would have to measure to the center of the hole from the mounting surface which could be considerably less of a distance (depending on the angle of the face) than the measurement shown in the pics. (I could be totally off just the way it looks to me).
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Lets throw more confusion into the mix.... I wonder just how much the motor lifts due to torque under a load?
We can go thru pains trying to align it statically but just how far do things go out of whack under hard acceleration ?
Maybe it's just a big conspiracy .....
Like Demon said - the amount of SJ shaft strips are so rare and probably the ones that did strip out were probably high time and worn out from pump mis alignment.
There's a reason why you find those funny little shims on the back ears of your pump and mid housing on a new boat.... we just choose to $hit can them in our infinite wisdom!


This Is The Way
Staff member
Lets throw more confusion into the mix.... I wonder just how much the motor lifts due to torque under a load?
We can go thru pains trying to align it statically but just how far do things go out of whack under hard acceleration ?
Maybe it's just a big conspiracy .....
Like Demon said - the amount of SJ shaft strips are so rare and probably the ones that did strip out were probably high time and worn out from pump mis alignment.
There's a reason why you find those funny little shims on the back ears of your pump and mid housing on a new boat.... we just choose to $hit can them in our infinite wisdom!

It seems your statements contradict yourself...I can't tell if you are for shimming the motor or against or are just saying f*ck the motor, shim the pump? My '06 came with zero pump or midshaft shims.
Ya i guess i did in a way...
It just seems as of the last few years I have been paying more attention to the a$$ end of the driveline than the motor itself - I just get the coupler close as I can without pulling my hair out.
I'd have to say this kinda came about after seeing many others and myself breaking mounts and replacing them on the beach without re-shimming and then being too lazy and or forgetting to go back and do it right.
So it's left that way till the next mount/s break and seeing (or not seeing) anybody with issues I was left wondering.
Everybody jury rigs stuff in some sort of way ( and lord knows I am the master at rigging Stricky's ski's!) along with the rush to get back out in the water so it really is what each one of us is comfortable with.... AND what type of riding we do.


So long and thanks for all the fish
The GP760/800/1200 hulls are the same, yes? They have mounting pads for engine mounts in 6 locations I believe, so it makes sense that the GP mount is going to be the same as the SJ.
I was told by Gil Beurnier that you need to mill 2 mm off of the bottom to get them aligned correctly. The side by side picture seems to confirm that.
baldwin ny
lol . i will stick to stock superjet mounts thank you. to much bs for me.

motor alinement is a must. i check mine every time i pull the motor. whats it take 5 mins if even that much.
aren't you the one who reuses the same shims one new mounts? I have hard time believing you're actually checking alignment anyway.

and again, how many SJ midshafts get stripped? how often do stock motor mounts break?

for me, I've never stripped a shaft and I've broken plenty of stock and aftermarket mounts.

I always checked before the coupler cover went back on ,with the same shims everything always looked and felt good.But trust me SJ shafts do strip,We have 13 of them next to our press in the junkie shop,more than half SJ. all pumps have been aligned,dont think many ever shimmed midshaft. Granted this is a crew of over a dozen guys in 5 years riding older skis,but id rather buy a set of mounts.when one of our mounts go we replace them all,we have more than a few half dead ones laying around. Who knows if the gp mounts last longer anyway,Im starting to think the half life on the glue is gonna fail the same anyway.
mine aligns fine.

same here, on 2 different boats none the less.....

I think we are only talking about what 3mm? Last I looked I think the manual allows for 1 mm out of tolerance on the couplers and doubt seriously that 3mm is gonna hurt a thing.
The concern needs to be more of the pump shaft alignment than the coupler as noted before.
Talk about a score ~ I just wiped out 3 mounts and found 4 low time GP mounts buried in my garage that I thought I would never be able to use!!!
Thanks guys!


Lets throw more confusion into the mix.... I wonder just how much the motor lifts due to torque under a load?
We can go thru pains trying to align it statically but just how far do things go out of whack under hard acceleration ?
Maybe it's just a big conspiracy .....
Like Demon said - the amount of SJ shaft strips are so rare and probably the ones that did strip out were probably high time and worn out from pump mis alignment.
There's a reason why you find those funny little shims on the back ears of your pump and mid housing on a new boat.... we just choose to $hit can them in our infinite wisdom!

I was told by Gil Beurnier that you need to mill 2 mm off of the bottom to get them aligned correctly. The side by side picture seems to confirm that.

that will depend boat to boat....each one fits a little differently, just as the shims on each boat from yamaha differ

FWIW.....I have been running GP mounts since nov 07 in my REV and have had ZERO driveshaft issues

the only SJ shaft I have ever stripped was out of a squarenose that I plain out just forgot to align it...bolted it in and went, it lasted about 5 minutes

if your driveline is THAT FAR out of alignment it wont take but 2-3 hard landings to burn the shaft into nothing
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