Other What is your age ?

What is your age ????????????????

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SJ Thumpa

51. Feel 20. The views not that bad on the other side....... yet!
Living life around the kids and enjoying the ride. Bought 1st ski at 39.


NE Tenn
56 years old. Dam bunch of young punk azz's! One of my best friends is 63 and he used to go big on skis and in the dirt.We had a long conversation the other day and he said he is almost done.Double knee replacement next year.Makes me sad,always looked up to him.............

My knee's and back pretty much suck anymore but l will continue to ride as long as there is someone to go with! Thanks for being there John!
I am 43 and started on a JS400 way back then. The one with the start stop in the tray! I have done alot of stuff (MX , 125 Shifter kart racing , Rock crawling , Ratrods ) And always ended back up on a ski.
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doing something stupid...
Site Supporter
Pinckney, MI
31 and just started a couple years ago. I damn sure plan on doing this till I can't do it anymore!

We had the same poll a while back (over a year) and the mods made it required to view so pretty much everyone voted. The results weren't too much different if I recall correctly.
If I had time I would try and dig the old thread back up (I think it was one I started actually)

Im 23 :p


freeride junkie
north palm beach
44 and depending on what time of the day, mostly still feel like 25. lol.
got my first 86 x-2 in 89. had to rebuild everything, still rebuilding them now..

funny how your mind keeps fooling your body into doing things you really shouldnt do anymore.
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