what job should i go for?


So long and thanks for all the fish
jetski forum webmaster, I make $1/post off you guys.

come on, only $521 today, get to posting slackers!

Don't expect to be doing the same thing after 20 or even 10 years. I went in the Navy as an electrician on a nuke sub, got out and did maintenance electrician stuff for 3 years, moved on to automation programmer for 4-5 years then IT for the past 6 or so.
Almost any type of engineering is good. Civil is by far the lowest paying until you get your PE. The other disciplines don't usually require it. I graduated college with a friend that is a nurse anesthetist. He barely got into the grad program even with a high gpa, but he's banking now. 120k and works 3-4 days a week with no student loans since the hospital paid them off.....I'm a bit jealous. Do yourself a favor and heavily research career paths of what you are interested in. If the average person in that field is only making 40k with 5 years of experience, then you need to pick another field because 40k won't pay for your wish list. Use the average salaries and don't kid yourself that you'll be the lucky one that is making all the money in that field.
jetski forum webmaster, I make $1/post off you guys.

come on, only $521 today, get to posting slackers!

are you being serious? lol maybe i should make a kick arse site that EVERYBODY goes to and get rich from advertisers haha

i liked scorn800's idea, buy a crap load of stock and hope for the best then try to start a business.

anyway, just keep discussing, im learning alot :bigok:
80% +- of small business fail within 2 years.......working for yourself isn't always the magic ticket, although if you are one of the 20%, then there's a good chance.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
Don't expect to be doing the same thing after 20 or even 10 years. I went in the Navy as an electrician on a nuke sub, got out and did maintenance electrician stuff for 3 years, moved on to automation programmer for 4-5 years then IT for the past 6 or so.

I heard that when I was in school but didn't believe it. 15 years later I've had a solid career, a couple of regular jobs and now trying to start a new career.


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
jetski forum webmaster, I make $1/post off you guys.

come on, only $521 today, get to posting slackers!

Don't expect to be doing the same thing after 20 or even 10 years. I went in the Navy as an electrician on a nuke sub, got out and did maintenance electrician stuff for 3 years, moved on to automation programmer for 4-5 years then IT for the past 6 or so.

off topic posts pay too? if they don't count for us they should not count for you!!!!

agreed, the days of working for the same company are well over (let alone the same "job")
continual education/re-training is part of the future.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Don't know how it is where you are but I just had a friend graduate from nursing school and TWO people from her class were able to find jobs....and she graduated with honors.

Health care is not the place to be right now.....

Even dental is dead now....

RN or LPN? LPNs are not needed anymore...you have to get a 4 year degree.
Idk what region of the country your from but im on LI an dentistry is booming. An im not just saying this becuase im a dental student. I have worked in multiple offices an they all do very well. As for medicine, it will never become socialized. To many medical companies will go down the tubes an it will hurt the economy more than help it. An although foreign health care is free its also terrible; thats why many people come to the states when in need of serious medical attention. For example in canada if you need to have ur appendix removed they will literally wait until it has bursted...Great health care system hu?

no offense dude but that sounds TOTALLY regurgitated...did you hear that in class today?

ALL healthcare is down...doesnt mean people are not still making money

just you watch healthcare WILL become socialized one day.......there are more dr's than EVER closing up shop and going to work for GOV/VA hospitals and for managed care

Almost any type of engineering is good. Civil is by far the lowest paying until you get your PE. The other disciplines don't usually require it. I graduated college with a friend that is a nurse anesthetist. He barely got into the grad program even with a high gpa, but he's banking now. 120k and works 3-4 days a week with no student loans since the hospital paid them off.....I'm a bit jealous. Do yourself a favor and heavily research career paths of what you are interested in. If the average person in that field is only making 40k with 5 years of experience, then you need to pick another field because 40k won't pay for your wish list. Use the average salaries and don't kid yourself that you'll be the lucky one that is making all the money in that field.

good post G! in fact, EXCELLENT post!

80% +- of small business fail within 2 years.......working for yourself isn't always the magic ticket, although if you are one of the 20%, then there's a good chance.

i will NEVER own my own business..sure, there can be great rewards but I could never justify the stress

people have asked me ever since the day I got out of Op school..."When are you going to open up your own practice?"



Life's Been Good
Upper Bucks, PA
Aren't you like 16? Buy a truck start your own little business doing anything. A few friends of mine did this and they were setup by the time they were like 19 or have sold it and moved on. It is so much easier to do when you are young and have no bills. There are tons of things you can do with minimal tools and experience to make money.


Get a loan and buy our Plumbing CO
No Stress
always have work
set work hours
no employee problems
no contractor problems
basically you can come in twice a week to collect checks and pay employees
all you really have to know is Chit flows down hill and dont bite your fingernails

hell you probally already know that You will make a great Boss
Just make the check out Better yet bring CASH


Customizing addict
Macon, GA
Based on the fact that you like tinkering and building stuff, I bet you'd enjoy an engineering job. I would've figured you'd be more mechanical engineering as opposed to civil but both pay well. I get paid really well as an aerospace engineer and I get to climb around on F-15's all day. Plus I just bought a lake house and have two pretty nice ski's. Be observant on what you can do and where you can work with your profession though. Nursing can go anywhere...aerospace engineering can go a lot of places too but you have to remember that big companies are usually in big cities and most big cities have either very expensive lake front property or don't have lakes anywhere near them.

My advice...Figure out what you'd really like to do, then figure out what will pay the bills, then decide which you would rather have, and finally...HAVE A BACKUP PLAN! Engineering had greater than a 50% drop out rate in the first year when I went through and I'm sure others are worse. You won't be able to buy all that stuff in the first couple years no matter what you do so have patience and try not to rack up credit card debt.

Last but not least...the more fun you have in your job, the less fun you need to have when you get home.


Sinking with the bilge on
Milwaukee, WI
Engineering had greater than a 50% drop out rate in the first year when I went through and I'm sure others are worse.

I am currently a Junior, getting my Mechanical Engineering Degree and our mechanical engineering major had 30% drop at first semester and another 15% by the end of the first year. Good luck with your search.
after the last two days, let me suggest a job inside with air. i work at fedex and although our trucks have air, when you slide that door open 100+ times a day, its not worth a dayum. whats bad is, its gonna continue to get hotter. go to SCHOOL!!!
Alabama.....and believe it or not...we aren't getting hit as bad as other places as far as the economy. I was a dental hygienist and people were still not coming in even if they had insurance.

I worked for several offices at once and only one was still going strong.
Emm. That I very well believe, were I am its a dental groupl with 6 practices, so if one office is hurting theres 5 more. But even that isnt enough because the office hours have been cut back. When i did my undergrad up state I had a friend whos dad was a dentist. Not only was he the dentist but he was the hygenist as well to keep cost low. Even if you have insurance a cleaning is still 75 bucks. If u wanna go every 3 4 months i think its like 185.
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