Just because that is what alot of people use don't mean it is what YOUR ski needs expensive oil like 927. If you are running a basically stock ski than any TCW-3 oil will be fine like Penzoil premium blend or Quicksilver outboard oil.
Well I just figured everybody on X-H20 would know better then I would what was better to use then what I was using because I just changed my head ( I believe this will change my compression from 155 to 185 ) and I switched from 1 carb to 2 carbs and bought a lightened flywheel which is sopposed to speed things up a bit
so I thought I would take care of my ski by running a better oil mix then what I was using before (check this out)
I was using Briggs & Stratton 2-cycle oil easy-mix
you can find it at Wal-Mart in the lawnmower/weed-whacker section
its like $1.50 to mix up 3 Gallons at a 50:1 (and it already has Fuel-Stabilizer in it)
and is like 1/2 the price of anything else I have seen on the market which doesn't mean its bad but its probably not the best
It has worked all last summer just fine ( I have ridden and hard as it would go)
but it smells NASTY and I don't think it is the right thing to be using in my Jet Ski anymore.