"With RRP recommended jets I was not impressed at all with the performance" This is pretty plain and simple to understand....... I understood what he meant.... See Below for quote from both his post. He has not updated since he said he "Will install 60 jet and try" He never said he tried a 60 jet.
“One thing I cannot stand about this pipe is the lack of tech support avail from other users and the manufacturer.
I took off a PFP to try the RRP (luckily it cost me nothing but time to try). With RRP recommended jets I was not impressed at all with the performance. Slightly better hit than PFP on bottom (VERY SLIGHT) not as good of a mid range or mid/top. So................ more tuning needed obviously? Start reducing water and increasing chamber temp I ASSUME? Some say the nice thing is the RRP is easily tunable, the downside is it will need to be as water temp seems to drastically change your tuning. The PFP run as dry seems way more even killed even in drastic water temp changes a quick twist of the fcv and go on really and rarely do I even do that.
I think the RRP can be a good alternative if the mfr would put out a tuning guide based on different water temps, motor sizes and a variety of jet setting suggestions for various conditions.
Anotherwords, do not let chamber exceed _______ degrees, optimum operating temp ________ degrees for chamber and ______ degrees for waterbox. Jets recommended to carry for tuning lows _______ thru highest _______. Its as if they are selling a product they have yet to properly engineer or understand. PFP was the same way at first but its been out long enough for this info to be avail from them IMO. Simple info like MAX chamber temp and optimal chamber temp would be very helpful, we don't even know what the resin in these pipes can withstand.
update on latest test:
I am running a dedicated line to the spray bars (in from pump at 1/2", reduced at bulkhead to 3/8") total of 3 incoming water lines so I can do this.
3/8" into a flow control valve, then to a 3/8" PFP filter, then a 3/8" into 2 1/4" lines, one to head pipe with now 77.5 jet and one to waterbox with 110 jet, no jets in filters at all. IT hits WAY harder and chamber is still only at 135 degrees at hottest point. Water temp is about 78 degrees yesterday when testing . will install 60jet and try this weekend I have some slit spray bars to try as well. Will keep this updated best I can?
umm yes he did say he tried a 60 jet twice actually once in post 12 and again in post 45 saying he has tried between 110 and 60 in the bar. with all that testing done its safe to assume he found something other than stock jets,to compare this current setup to. I was asking a VERY basic question,If he wants to get all confrontational about it. At least have something to say that didnt come from the peanut gallery team