What's your view look like today?


Team Cheeseburger
but the raptor is such an awesome truck... haha

We took my friends brand new raptor up north on labor day weekend.... drove the 2 tracks and fire roads for two days... usually about 55mph ... there is no other stock truck that will compare to it for high speed off road, the suspension is phenomenal... I dont like fords, never owned one, never will... but damn that truck is impressive.
I've been doing this about 15 years I've worked for them all. Ford is the hardest to work with.

and i wasnt talking about vehicle quality just that ford is a pita to work with from a engineering stand point.
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Ford has the best built interiors.. by best I mean the worst to work on but the last to squeek, rattle, and shake... back in tech school we always discussed the "best" pickup.. would be gm body, dodge driveline, ford interior, toyota engine.. unless you want a diesel then it's an old cat built powerstroke...


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
My 1988 pathfinder has 312,000 miles, doesn't burn/use oil and runs like a top with the original engine and drive train.

My 2001 Xterra has 230K on it and still rounds like a top. Doesn't burn oil either...she keeps trucking along as long as standard maintenance is done.

My view never changes...




X-H20 certified
San Diego
Huh, different .epoxy is used a lot locally ,but i personally have only seen it in outpatient clinics.looks sort of like a floor a local hospital here used in their sterile processing dept only the one your pic is much darker.also noticed the positive pressure system in the ceiling
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