What's your view look like today?

I told my wife this morning that I was going to build a small fire pit in the back yard just so I could cook up a country style breakfast once in awhile. I grew up hunting and we used to spend weeks out in the bush on horseback and the camp breakfasts cooked on an open fire were the best part.
I still do that. My Dutch over and cast iron cooking pans will always be my favorite.
this has a dro option. something i will invest in soon just about 300 i dont have after dropping the 5g this past week. got to finish up orders and get paid!


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Question for our experts @Scraggly and @OCD Solutions etc

What is the best caliper that reads to .0000 under 100$ that you would recommend? Consistency being the most important function. I need something that will read exactly the same for 100+ uses in an hour. Also if you have any tips on getting the most consistent/accurate reading on my current 20$ calipers.
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