Yeah. A brs. Ballistic recovery chute. I have 2. Dont use them. They weigh alot. And altho they don't add to part 103 weight allotment. They are basically useless on a quicksilver. You can't fly a quicksilver hard enough to break it. It has too much induced drag to break itself. And it stalls at 18 mph and can land in 20 ft. So while most see a lawn chair that is going to fall out of the sky. Those with actual experience. Know it's quite safe.
Much safer than freestyle jet ski riding. Ocean jet ski riding. Or street motorcycle riding. By far. Over 10000 quicksilver kits were sold with 0 structural failures that weren't attributed to operator error. Each wing can hold 2500 pounds. The only plane that sold more in kit form, was vans
Fun fact. The fastest my plane can go. Is 72 mph. Pointed 5 degrees past straight down as the dihedral and incidence allows.