Sounds like you need a Superjet hull. It will do everything that you are asking here and be on the cheaper characteristics arnt super important i just want something that i can hit double ups, do hood tricks and jump boat wakes and be able to catch back up to the boat and hit the wake again. as for my budget it is kind of fluctuating right now since im leaving overseas and will not be back till the spring of 2012. I was hoping to stay on the cheaper side i guess.
Ok how bout we ask why is it your wanting to trade up from the stocker?? What do you feel like your missing out on riding a stock sj hull?
I agree with this. My reinforced stocker held up fine for years.its prob just the paint or gel coat cracking. if its heavily reinforced you wont have stress cracks.
backflips on double ups are impossible without trim unless you have big $$ motors.