Surfriding Which trick holds more respect to you: Re-entry or Backflip ?


how about u ask this question?..

how many people can do backflips in the surf vs. how many people can do a stylish reentry where u actually land back into the wave not out the back and then grab a handful of throttle and ride back into it and pretend u actually pulled it??..that should answer your question..

then ask how many people can actually do a reentry when the waves are overhead and powerful? the number drops to a very very small group..
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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Back flip hands down. Not taking anything away from huge sick reentries (One of the sickest maneuvers out there) but show me a guy who can flip who can’t do a reentry? I can show you’re a 100 guys who can do sick reentries but still haven’t gotten past the butterflies to start flipping


lol seriously jon?/ not gonna name any names but take a look around next time u are at the launch ramp...

most of the so called "pro" jetskiiers cant even do a reentry without their ass hanging off the back of the ski and their handlepole over their head..

Back flip hands down. Not taking anything away from huge sick reentries (One of the sickest maneuvers out there) but show me a guy who can flip who can’t do a reentry? I can show you’re a 100 guys who can do sick reentries but still haven’t gotten past the butterflies to start flipping
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T Curtis

It takes years to learn the wave and do re-entrys, I know a guy who couldn't even stand up and ride a ski but he would set up for the wave on his knees, stand up and do a flip. I think Its much easier to do a backflip

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
It takes years to learn the wave and do re-entrys, I know a guy who couldn't even stand up and ride a ski but he would set up for the wave on his knees, stand up and do a flip. I think Its much easier to do a backflip

I'm glad you said that Taylor. I have only been riding surf for a couple seasons now and while everyone around me is flipping or rolling, I am focussing more on learning the waves themselves and the re-entry is my sole obsession. I do like the idea of doing flips and rolls but I have so much to learn about wave riding that it just seems that much more important to focus on riding the wave than launching from it. I'm still not that good because the job that paid for my ski also keeps me busy enough to not ride it as often as i'd like. I figure I will end up back on flatwater someday soon so I will leave the backflips till then, for now I am more than happy to slash, carve and pop my ride days away.

Besides, I have watched ThrillHill, Lucas, Josh, Tanner, Jetmaniac and a few others pancake, land flat, underotate, lawndart and bust their skis too many times so there's no real motivation there for me. Maybe on the west coast where the water is deeper but over here on the east coast I just don't see enough big surf days to build the balls to even think about trying it.
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Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
It takes years to learn the wave and do re-entrys, I know a guy who couldn't even stand up and ride a ski but he would set up for the wave on his knees, stand up and do a flip. I think Its much easier to do a backflip
no doubt, a nice re-entry is harder. flips are one of the easiest tricks.


You can learn to bf in a lake but cant learn a re-entry any where but a place that has decent surf.
That leaves the lucky one's that grew up playing in the surf.Thats why there only a handfull peps that have mastered the BIG re-entry vs the Big BF
It takes really knowing the surf to pull off a great re-entry That comes from TIME in the water.
I love both but would rather watch the fluid style that goes with RE


Re-entry for sure...I ride with who I think do the best re-entries and some of the squirliest too.....SPECIAL FX, WAVEHOG, JOE B, FLASH FX, and ALEX. They all have their own style and i study them and still can't come close..PROPS


Runs with scissors
Site Supporter
Rincon Beach
Re entry for sure

only balls to pull the throttle up a 6 foot wave and attempt a backy with little consequence if you dont make the rotation

be a tiny bit off hitting a 6 ft lip for a reentry and your going over the falls , pearling or
hitting bottom , than getting creamed by the same wave



Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I never said reentries didn’t deserve respect, as a matter of fact I said stated to the contrary, especially when they’re performed at Andrew or Taylor’s level. The guy asked which trick holds more respect, so this is an opinion thread. IMO the back flip wins that hands down. It may be an easy trick after you get it down but it’s scary as hell when you’re first learning. Leaning reentries isn’t scary like the flip, it’s more of just going through the motions until you get them down, because when learning reentries, you can start small and work your way up as your confidence and ability builds until you reach, well, Andrew or Taylor’s level. With back flips is all or nothing right from the start. ALSO, to be fair, lets compare Apples to Apples here also. If you’re using one of Taylor’s or Andrew’s reentries as the reentry example then you also need to use one of Taylor’s or Andrew’s Back flips to compare it to, like a solid 15’ launch off a 8’ foot face. I stand by my answer
That said, I want to get the flip down too. I've really only tried one and it came right around and seemed the easiest trick I ever tried (for the 1st time). On the other hand, I've been workiing on perfecting re-entries for about 30 years!!
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