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  1. TOBY

    Freestyle WF live stream

    yesterday was badass today blows
  2. TOBY

    Freestyle WF live stream

    ya same here this sucks D
  3. TOBY

    Freestyle WF live stream

    to many peps on it sucks two sec then freezes
  4. TOBY

    Freestyle Best Footholds? i have more than one type of foot holds. chack them out
  5. TOBY

    Freestyle Best Footholds?
  6. TOBY

    SXR Need More POWA!

    SXRs come with bigpin.
  7. TOBY

    SXR Need More POWA!

    Yo DJ when you do talk to whoever your going to about doing this motor work ask if it would be best to start with the BIG PIN cylinder you have or go with a SMALL PIN cylinder, witch has a different port timing (for bottomend)
  8. TOBY

    Freestyle WDK ROK-R hull......"WHITE UNICORN"

    any updates on this???
  9. TOBY

    Freestyle Wanting to buy aftermarket hull.
  10. TOBY

    Custom/Hybrid Gelcoat and epoxy layups? try this place...
  11. TOBY

    Other Possibility to mass produce anything via injection molding

    O ya make the vane section 150mm so you could sleeve it for 146 up to 150
  12. TOBY

    Other Possibility to mass produce anything via injection molding

    Mag style pump with wear ring housing all in one.. It would weigh like 3lb
  13. TOBY

    Custom/Hybrid Waterdawg Kustomz ROK
  14. TOBY

    Super Jet footholds?
  15. TOBY

    Freestyle New and improved 615 footholds READY TO SHIP

    If you wont you can PM me, or just send the PPL and include all shipping info they ship withen a day of two of gittin PPL unless im out of town or away from the shop. THANKS TOBY PPL IS TOBYHTAYLOR@YAHOO.COM
  16. TOBY

    Custom/Hybrid Waterdawg Kustomz ROK

    Post am if you got em....
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