I didn't think you wanted your pipe that hot??? At least I don't run mine like that... to me it sounds like your low is way outa whack on the carb. Not sure on the pipe. I would figure out how far out your low screw is. I usually start at 1.5 turns out and start working in until it responds...
I can't give you a direct answer on boring the nozzle, but I just changed from the stock impeller and O M G what a difference. The stock impeller is JUNK!! If you have the cash, get an impeller, do your research on what you want your machine to do though because the impeller will dictate a great...
Personal preference in my opinion. I run riser bars on my RJ and love them, lot of people hate them. If you run risers you will need a turn plate that accepts 1 1/8 inch bars though, others are the standard 7/8s.
Factory928 is valet hiring? haha. I live in Vegas but am moving to Bullhead in May and could work part time right now..only reason I am up here is for UNLV. Which casino do you valet at bro?
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