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  1. Kny21


    All the time.
  2. Kny21

    surfriders no lanyard vs lanyard riding

    Buy a 701 QuickStart or wait until Lava releases their version. Best of both worlds.
  3. Kny21

    Hard rock and metal thread

  4. Kny21

    Fire extinguishers in am skis

    Clever. One step nicer would be a bolt in option.
  5. Kny21

    pump tie down

    Don't think I'd want anything used to tie down or tow attached to my pump or bolt and insert but that's just me. What's wrong with a single bow eye or two on the sides of the tray?
  6. Kny21

    Quad or triple cooling???

    Larger and billet motors need the extra cooling. Your ski has no need and you don't have the head fittings to support. If you want your ski to look bada$$ then head to your local auto store and shop the vato aisle.
  7. Kny21

    Other What did you fab up today? A thread for the home fabricators!

    What's the perks on the case vs what's out there already?
  8. Kny21

    the trivial complaints thread

    Used vehicle shopping. Call dude up and ask about their listing.... Does it have any major rust, yada yada. His answer is nope. Sweet. Hop in car and drive an hour to look at. Pull up and open doors and this is the poop I see. Thanks for wasting my time buddy.
  9. Kny21

    Shortening stock sj handle pole.

    Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. It's not worth shipping for the little that's involved, $-wise and time removing. It can be done easily without disconnecting any cables.
  10. Kny21

    Hitch hauler transform into beach cart

    Maybe Boris' setup will inspire you.
  11. Kny21

    Why don't I ever see dyno's?

    This whole thread is a hard read but entertaining nevertheless. MB should also get a site imposed name change to one of the many used within.
  12. Kny21

    Hitch hauler transform into beach cart
  13. Kny21

    TNT v3 pipes

    Pipes must be overpriced if you and all your cronies can afford 3 of the same car.
  14. Kny21

    Beware of David Wueschinski from PA

    Looks like he's setup down in slower Delaware. Found other links and looks like he used to live in Lewes DE but may be in Millsboro DE now. Apparently he likes to review his own company but is too dumb to...
  15. Kny21

    WATER leaking in!

    5200 is overkill for your above water hardware. You want crap to come apart and clean up easy when the time comes. Silicone is a what you need.
  16. Kny21

    Let's see those skis!
  17. Kny21

    Who else is building an electric standup?

    There were a few threads about a company trying this a few years back. I don't think their proto made much power/speed. I also seem to recall another company trying to a ball-busting lay down type ski. Will search around to see if I can find any of them.
  18. Kny21

    questions with assembling solas mag pump

    I don't doubt that but it does state a direction in my Clymers manual. I didn't follow it but curious why it would say that, either for consistency or other? See item #9 and 11c. As for grease I use seadoo xps pump grease as I can get it easier vs the Yamaha. Thought I read somewhere pump...
  19. Kny21

    questions with assembling solas mag pump

    Open ends towards the prop. Metal imbedded one last. I greased before as you don't want to waste time between pulling from freezer and putting in the pump, etc. Bearings were heated to go on cold shaft then greased and refrozen. I did my seals last but but I'm sure some one will say not to do...
  20. Kny21

    Surfriding Monster trailer

    What's going on with those fenders? Looks like you did and axle flip and they'll rub, no?
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