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  1. IS0LD0UT

    Mikuni springs

    I know some of this is trivial for your long time tweekers. :) The manual says it can be bent 1mm up but doesn't say if that will raise or lower popoff. How do you check how far it is bent, is there a trick to resetting the arm to neutral? The manual also said the different color springs...
  2. IS0LD0UT

    Mikuni springs

    Thanks for the replies. So if I am understanding the spring length determines the pop? So the fact that my black, gold, and silver spring are all the same length and giving the same psi pop probably means they were colored wrong by mikuni? Also what side of the arm do you bend?
  3. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Superjet low end bog

    The thread is getting long, it may be helpful to recap with what you tried.
  4. IS0LD0UT

    Mikuni springs

    Underdstood. But how many sets do I have to buy to get what I paid for? Is quality control really bad on these? Is it better to buy the longest ones and then cut them to size? Or am I having an issolated issue?
  5. IS0LD0UT

    Mikuni springs

    I bought 2 sets of springs. 4 of them produced the same result. One was right on with the manual the other a few psi low. Are these actually different materials or is length the factor in psi? The ones that produced different results were different lengths. Some were different colors but...
  6. IS0LD0UT

    ADA Studs

    How do I keep these damn studs from coming out of the case when I remove the head? 4 out of 6 studs came out rather than the acorns when removing the head. I used loctite blue on the studs and just grease on the acorn.
  7. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Superjet low end bog

    +1 I flipped mine upside down and just replaced the seals. Its much easier than removing/replacing the cylinders and then splitting the cases.
  8. IS0LD0UT

    Cdi red white wire ?

    This thread makes for an interesting read. Thanks. OCD, care to elaborate how you measure the timing curve from your test bench?
  9. IS0LD0UT


    Pretty sure I am going.
  10. IS0LD0UT

    Pump Alignment/Install

  11. IS0LD0UT

    Surfriding Krash Predator @ Daytona Freeride and Coquina 2015

    Nice vid. Where is Coquina? Do you always have waves like that?
  12. IS0LD0UT

    Custom/Hybrid T1 by TOBY

    I like that it has the gas fill spot.
  13. IS0LD0UT

    2015 Phantom build

    That thing looks really nice! I am guessing the 155 will be pretty sweet in to also. Those sharp edges at the front of the tray make my knees hurt just looking at them. On my chan I bash my knee on them everytime I do a roll. Had a similar problem with the boobs on the hood of my XFT..
  14. IS0LD0UT

    Cold fusion pole bracket issue

    I agree with the others. I would however reinforce the area on the inside of the hull and make sure you have a beefy backing plate.
  15. IS0LD0UT

    towing with sports cars

    Nice. Did you just remove the headrest and recline the seat? I have been wondering if it would fit that way.
  16. IS0LD0UT

    Pump Alignment/Install

    Thats what I did also.
  17. IS0LD0UT

    Pump Alignment/Install

    Oh and my shaft was not centered in the hole when all was said and done. It was however centered in the midshaft.
  18. IS0LD0UT

    Pump Alignment/Install

    Likely your shoe is not in square. How does your intake grate look? Mine was out of wack. I egged my holes on my pump out first. Later on my shoe installed by steve came loose so I was able to reinstall it in correctly. If yours has the epoxy he used you can probably just tap it out.
  19. IS0LD0UT

    towing with sports cars

    Maybe offer to try it out with your Buddy's ski. :) Tongue weight is probably too much.
  20. IS0LD0UT

    Trailer bunk ideas - Non Scratch

    Sometimes you just have to let go. Keep the carpet and focus on enjoying your ski.
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