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  1. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Superjet 650 to 701 swap help/advice

    Depending on the 701 you plan to use, there might be more work. 62t/62t will have rear exhaust meaning you will need a aftermarket pipe to make it front exit. You will also need to re-jet the carbs. 61x/61x will have the front exhaust that will drop right in. Carbs may need some tuning, jets...
  2. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Superjet 650 to 701 swap help/advice

    Yeah get a 61x cdi
  3. IS0LD0UT

    bilge switch mounting option

    Very nice
  4. IS0LD0UT

    Looking to buy FX1 handle pole

    They are. Have used one before.
  5. IS0LD0UT

    2015 Rickter Edge FR Build

    Guess I didn't have the same luck. Can't wait to ride it though.
  6. IS0LD0UT

    RRP steering stop/chinpad support dimension

    I have one at home. :) On my other ski, I just used round aluminum bar and tapped both ends. Works as a steering stop and a support.
  7. IS0LD0UT

    2015 Rickter Edge FR Build

    When I slid the midshaft into place I quickly realized something was off. The shaft bottomed out on the midshaft. I think I have about 1/4 inch left to the hull. Not what I expected. I have a skat 144 mag with a jetmaniac modified couch shaft. I assume that it is stock length since I used...
  8. IS0LD0UT

    2015 Rickter Edge FR Build

    First task was pump alignment. The inserts were all straight and square to each other. The pump bolted in fine. When I added the OEM shoe the alignment was off left to right and front to back. I was off by about 3/16. I removed all the paint from the shoe area and it was closer. I...
  9. IS0LD0UT

    2015 Rickter Edge FR Build

    Starting a build thread. To ask my questions together and hopefully help the next guy.
  10. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle wave blaster 1 fuel switch

    pretty sure I have one.
  11. IS0LD0UT

    RICKTER talk

    I am working on installing my shoe, right now I am having issues aligning the left and right. Never had that problem in other skis. Looks like I may have to grind out some of the left side to get it to align. I think if I egged my pump holes I would have other issues. I am off 1/16 to 3/32 of...
  12. IS0LD0UT

    piston wrist pin washers

    There are different types of bearings some use the washers others do not. I want ti say the older 650 ones did not use washera and were bigger.
  13. IS0LD0UT

    Rickter edge plate and intake grate Q's

  14. IS0LD0UT

    ATP waterbox

    Spend your money elsewhere you will not notice it except the noise.
  15. IS0LD0UT

    SN pivot bolt(handle pole) size?

    I think I have one.
  16. IS0LD0UT

    Custom/Hybrid need diy repitch

    Looks like I need a replacement
  17. IS0LD0UT

    Super Jet Compatible SJ rideplates

    Vxr is the only that comes close and bolts up. Otherwise you are stuck with a sj.
  18. IS0LD0UT

    Where's the power from?

    Porting. Jm motors have some serious snap.
  19. IS0LD0UT

    Freestyle Factory Backie Chan

    That sux. Thanks for posting.
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