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  1. RoyalFlush@PCB

    440 in the Ocean????

    I have never heard anyone say this before about a 440 or 550 Kawi. :bananapowerslide:
  2. RoyalFlush@PCB

    New Envy

    They've been sketchy from day one....:slap:
  3. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Foot Placement on Kawi 550

    A skinny skateboard...
  4. RoyalFlush@PCB

    has anybody heard from scorn800?

    Darin didn't ban him, v-bulletin did!!! Pay attention, Charlie! :Banane37:
  5. RoyalFlush@PCB

    b piped 760 boston whaler - DONE!!!

    Got any pics of the engine compartment, Charlie? Is it big enough to glass in some motor mounts and run a 1100 or 1200 Yami? I like Rick's idea of splitting the hull, too. Open 'er up, add some 4" or 6" PVC scuppers, some 3,600 GPH bilge pumps (the 5,000 GPH's air-lock), You could run six...
  6. RoyalFlush@PCB

    No start SJ

    LOL! So true!!! :pancake:
  7. RoyalFlush@PCB

    No start SJ

    X2. You can also use a small pair of needle nose pliers. If it does start, choke it out to kill or use the same pliers, wire, or paper clip across the white and black terminals.
  8. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Hey surfriders- what pitch impellar are you running?

    What size Mag Pump? 140, 144, or 148? I run a 15/20 in a 140 Mag with a Team Scream 5mm 828 motor. It pulls good, but Pat Bogart recommended going to a 14/18 I think.
  9. RoyalFlush@PCB

    ocean riding

    X2 Patrick, Chuck, Mike, and Radney are all top-notch guys. From plain-old advice to whatever you can imagine can be done to a ski or motor these guys know their chit!!! :woot:
  10. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Thought I'd seen it all

    Been there, done that. :naughty: Had it repaired and eventually replaced it.
  11. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Tips on deep water starts

    Yeah, but you weigh like 90 lbs soaking wet, Jared! :jester:
  12. RoyalFlush@PCB

    the negative feedback forum - what to do with it?

    I thought those were the "Ban Hammers" beating you.... :noevil: :pancake:
  13. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Hydroturf Mess

    Not trying to be a jerk, but I'll have to agree with you on this one. :Eyecrazy:
  14. RoyalFlush@PCB

    the negative feedback forum - what to do with it?

    Well said, Rick. I was going to post something up after Nick commented, but had to go run an errand. While he may agree with my earlier statement, unfortunately I don't agree with how he handled Kennay's situation as a whole, from what I read at least. I would have been out of business with a...
  15. RoyalFlush@PCB

    the negative feedback forum - what to do with it?

    "If you do a good job for someone they'll tell ten people, if you do a bad job for them, they'll tell one-hundred people."
  16. RoyalFlush@PCB

    the negative feedback forum - what to do with it?

    I get it!!! Roll, Role, Roll your eyes.....:439:
  17. RoyalFlush@PCB

    the negative feedback forum - what to do with it?

    LMAO!!! :smashfreakB: If I insult a known friend is it still a bannable (sp) offense. I like to bash Steve from time to time. :dunce:
  18. RoyalFlush@PCB

    the negative feedback forum - what to do with it?

    I concur. :Banane57:
  19. RoyalFlush@PCB

    335's Saturday afternoon rant...

    I don't believe that for a minute....:clown:
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