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  1. RoyalFlush@PCB

    shorting hull -3

    Time Is Money... If you've got the time and the skills, go for it!
  2. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Dale Earnheart Jr. replicating build

    Check the spelling before you get the authorized signature... :Banane37:
  3. RoyalFlush@PCB

    cash advance-well kinda

    I'll be using that phrase in the near future with my wife thanks to you, Darin. :laugh2:
  4. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Food plan - Covered as of 3-11-08, thanks all!

  5. RoyalFlush@PCB

    March Free Ride Crystal Beach

    Yep---you got us all figured out....:notworthy: Mick---I'll bring the Ranger if it gets out of the shop in time---which it should since times are slow for the local repair shop. Tried to take it for a spin this afternoon and it's revving to the Moon but not going anywhere. :rocketwhore...
  6. RoyalFlush@PCB

    shorting hull -3

    I don't know about that...:dunno:
  7. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Food plan - Covered as of 3-11-08, thanks all!

    Is the place I got some good steaks still open? Across the highway from the convenience store?
  8. RoyalFlush@PCB

    March Free Ride Crystal Beach

    I am contemplating bringing my Polaris Ranger, but am afraid of the potential bus ride with my leg saran-wrapped to my seat.
  9. RoyalFlush@PCB

    kerker pipe on 300sx?

    :laugh2: :haha: :laugh2:
  10. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Full Spec 48 flame arrestors

    I'll be sending you some Proks with this set-up. Wamilton's make an adapter to run on the Full Specs as does Thrust Innovations. :sneaky:
  11. RoyalFlush@PCB

    550 kawi

    I had good luck with the Coffman's half-pipe on my old 550's. Seems like ages ago----wait, it was!!! :crutches:
  12. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Chicken Bone X2travaganza 2008

    I'll shoot you a PM...:cool2:
  13. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Chicken Bone X2travaganza 2008

    I'll either stay with Gump or Meadlock, probably.
  14. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Chicken Bone X2travaganza 2008

    It's only two-hours away, so I think it's safe to say I'll be there....:headbang:
  15. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Chicken Bone X2travaganza 2008

    OMG, that was funny, Darin---especially coming from you. :stooges:
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