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  1. RoyalFlush@PCB

    How old before refoaming?? waited a couple of years to refoam my old one even when we both knew it was saturated. :party:
  2. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Trim Tube???

  3. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Trim Tube???

    Human exhaust only :fart: It's not designed for engines, silly. :party:
  4. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Trim Tube???

    I love PVC. :smlove2:
  5. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Trim Tube???

    This plumber concurs. :usa2:
  6. RoyalFlush@PCB

    lowered hood

    The single, most important thing to remember about this post, IMHO. Some people expect WAY too much from their equipment, especially considering the amount of abuse that some are capable of. :chairshot:
  7. RoyalFlush@PCB

    anyone have any 61x reeds and cages?

    Murray, Kentucky? I met someone from there today...:sneaky:
  8. RoyalFlush@PCB

    anyone have any 61x reeds and cages?

    Not trying to be negative towards the offer; it is greatly appreciated! Just better off with something a little cleaner. :shrug:
  9. RoyalFlush@PCB

    anyone have any 61x reeds and cages?

    Or any engine for that matter... Move along.
  10. RoyalFlush@PCB

    i like cheese

    Are you Stupid? That would be retarded...:twak:
  11. RoyalFlush@PCB

    pro freestyle video here

    Didn't you already try some "radical new concept tricks" at World Finals this year?!? :wave: I'd suggest a different plan of attack for next year. :tomato:
  12. RoyalFlush@PCB

    pro freestyle video here

    I'm glad there is no evidence after reading the description. :clown:
  13. RoyalFlush@PCB

    pro freestyle video here

    You got any video? Pics? :smile:
  14. RoyalFlush@PCB

    pro freestyle video here

    Uh, there were only eleven riders. :tomato: And Jeremy's motorless routine was more entertaining than his.
  15. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Gauging Interest in Panama City Beach Spring Break Ride

    That is one Ballin' RV. :bananapowerslide: Does it come with a Garage?!? :dunno:
  16. RoyalFlush@PCB

    The Dyno story

  17. RoyalFlush@PCB

    The Dyno story

    My favorite quote from the story...:burnout:
  18. RoyalFlush@PCB

    The Dyno story

    You're a *** and an ***. You should be ashamed of yourself. :cool2:
  19. RoyalFlush@PCB

    site mod nominee

  20. RoyalFlush@PCB

    The Dyno story

    Hey. Where'd you come from?!? Welcome Back. :crutches:
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