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  1. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Roll Call!

    Three Beds. One for me, one for Parr, and one for the luggage and/or the hoes....:djsmilie:
  2. RoyalFlush@PCB

    HIN, registration/title for a Round Nose Superjet

    It'll be just as easy to do it the "right" way, and it's only $5.25 for this plus regular registration fees added to that. Print this form out, Scott:
  3. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Flatwater barrel roll on a SJ

    Michael Ratti started doing them on a stock boat if I remember correctly.
  4. RoyalFlush@PCB

    HIN, registration/title for a Round Nose Superjet

    In Florida it is a simple form and a few dollars to get a HIN for a custom-built ski. I have had two done this way. And if the craft is under 16 feet there is no inspection required.
  5. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Roll Call!

    You got room for me and Parr? :beerchug:
  6. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Roll Call!

    LMFAO!!!!! The "BisQuick Boy" has been called out....:Banane57: :439: :Banane57:
  7. RoyalFlush@PCB

    SJ wiegh ins

    Hi, Steve. (Watercraft Factory Steve...:stups:) :bananapowerslide: :twak:
  8. RoyalFlush@PCB

    WDK getting out of the PWC business?

    Does the F-22 have high-temp ABS exhaust?!? PVC?!? Aluminum?!? :clown:
  9. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Hollow X2 (carnage pic's)

    He NEEDS to plan on a scupper or one-way valve while it's opened up. It would be stupid not to, IMHO. :wave: No problem. Tell Will to get all the saltwater gremlins worked out before he brings it to the Gulf this time. :icon16:
  10. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Hollow X2 (carnage pic's)

    Looking good my Lake Murray brothers...
  11. RoyalFlush@PCB

    happy birthday, chick!

    It should take about three-percent less time than that with the CC fees. :twak: What happened to the Red and Black RXP grips that were supposed to be sent out?!? I'm off to make a response in the "SJ weigh-in" thread...:eek5:
  12. RoyalFlush@PCB

    happy birthday, chick!

    Thanks everyone!!! Especially Ronny...:bananapowerslide:
  13. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Roll Call!

    I'm pretty sure I'll be there. :fingersx: Might have a random rocket scientist/pro freestyler riding with me. :dunce:
  14. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Lake Diddy - flatwater freestyle heaven

    Not Me!!! If I bought property next to you, I'd put up an 8-foot tall privacy fence so that there would be no Speedo Sightings. :tomato: :wave:
  15. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Lake Diddy - flatwater freestyle heaven

    Ya'll got some good plans. :Banane09: Except for the Speedo part... :twak: Now you just need a "neighbor" with some equipment to help you with your construction dreams. :bananapowerslide: You're going to need a 200 AMP service by the time it's done.
  16. RoyalFlush@PCB

    LegDrag (Kevin Collins)

    :fest30: Got some Monkey Grip motor mounts from Kevin in an e-bay auction of his. Great price and FAST shipping. It's been said MANY times before: Kevin is THE MAN!!! Thanks, dude!!! :Banane09:
  17. RoyalFlush@PCB

    RN hull weight?

  18. RoyalFlush@PCB

    RN hull weight?
  19. RoyalFlush@PCB

    new hull for my 750x2

    Nice motorcycle lift you've got there, too. I have the same one. Good work on the project. :bananajump:
  20. RoyalFlush@PCB

    First look at Lustic in action on Trinity Hull!!

    :jester: I just watched that movie last weekend...:icon16:
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