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  1. RoyalFlush@PCB

    CRF 250's in Miami, Fl

    Forget the Yammie, what about the Wammer?!? You still riding, Tim?!? PM me your phone number again, I'd really like to shoot the breeze with you again. :Banane19:
  2. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Sweet vid from our bro's in Turkey..

    :haha: The Air Force frowned on bringing hashish home with us. I DID see some of the "vendors" who roamed the street peddling it, however. I should dig out some pics, but I don't currently have a scanner.
  3. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Weigh in?

  4. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Weigh in?

    I'll be there...:beerchug: :bananapowerslide:
  5. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Weigh in?

    If I'm able to make it this year, I'll put my WCF hull in for sh!ts and giggles. Keep in mind that I DID NOT request the lightest hull Steve could build, but I did request that it be strong and lighter than stock. I also *might* have my Wamilton's hull patched back up by then, so that...
  6. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Sweet vid from our bro's in Turkey..

    I spent four months in Turkey in 1994 while I was in the Air Force and did not see ONE stand-up the whole time I was there. I even spent three weeks in a resort city on the coast (Antalya) and really expected to see some there. I was still riding a 550 then and was salivating at the...
  7. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Weigh in?

    Too much re-inforcement perhaps?!? :dunno: :jester:
  8. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Yamaha Octane build

    I would think so...:bananajump:
  9. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Weigh in?

    You don't think my old ski was waterlogged and heavy do you?!? :nana: :bananapowerslide:
  10. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Gil's 98 Rn

    Damn!!! You're putting some coin into your ski for next season. Nationals got you pumped! :Banane57:
  11. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Blaster Kidney Pipe Observations and Questions

    Interesting read...:slap:
  12. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Saving original turf on my Square

    :haha: I like that idea!
  13. RoyalFlush@PCB

    08 superjet

    You'll pay for that one...:smashfreakB:
  14. RoyalFlush@PCB

    08 superjet

    I know. I want one. :arms: :hitwithrock: Are you serious?!? I thought his was the original style.
  15. RoyalFlush@PCB

    08 superjet

    That IS the new style hull. Open up the picture and you can tell the bottom has integrated sponsons. I confirmed this when I was in Havasu. I thought they were getting rid of the old inventory as well, but their "new" price is for their new style hull. :veryhappy:
  16. RoyalFlush@PCB

    Yamaha Octane build

    Holy Crap!!! :bananajump: :approve: :bananajump:
  17. RoyalFlush@PCB

    how to break in new motor hard?

    What about two-strokes? :dunno: One rule of thumb about 2-strokes that I do hold to be true: They usually run best JUST BEFORE they blow...:sad:
  18. RoyalFlush@PCB

    clear over gelcoat?

    I think wedoseadoo and Superjet-113 should have a clearcoat showdown. :Banane57:
  19. RoyalFlush@PCB

    how to break in new motor hard?

    Ride it like you stole it? :dunno: :smokin:
  20. RoyalFlush@PCB

    WDK F1PRO Has a new owner!

    Bah....:kabong: You should have bought it. :wiggle: I KNOW you've got that kind of coin. :shooter3:
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