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  1. jetpilot36

    Used Superjet Parts Garage Clean Out.

    ill take the sj cover.
  2. jetpilot36

    whats that oil that smells really good?

    I would like some Klotz.
  3. jetpilot36

    Old school 4270 total loss

    Are the 4270 brains interchangeable with Kawi and Yamaha? Brains should be the same, right? Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  4. jetpilot36

    whats that oil that smells really good?

    I'll take 4 gallons. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  5. jetpilot36

    whats that oil that smells really good?

    is it Klotz or Castor 927 that smells really good. like old school IJSBA races good?
  6. jetpilot36

    Twenty years on one engine....sorta

    SBT though. just wait
  7. jetpilot36

    New BLACK WHITE transom tie downs/tow loops..STAINLESS....BACK IIN STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I messaged you earlier about getting a couple but haven't heard anything back Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  8. jetpilot36

    Ski won’t run right need help!

    try running is with the gas cap off.
  9. jetpilot36

    impeller spacer?

    i didn't have the seals bottomed out.
  10. jetpilot36

    impeller spacer?

    i rebuilt my pump with a new bearing kit from jetmaniac. when i took the old impeller off, it had the 2 seals, then a spacer then the impeller. when i put it all back together, i tried to install the spacer under the impeller and it makes the shaft and whole assembly bind up. but when i leave it...
  11. jetpilot36

    What's everybody using to turn their TL on and off?

    I think I'm going with water proof toggle. mounted under hood. Thanks for the replys. I'm going to be switching the ground side though. don't want to run voltage through a switch when I don't need to.
  12. jetpilot36

    Superjet Build Parts OEM

    do you have the rear corner bumpers for a round nose?
  13. jetpilot36

    What's everybody using to turn their TL on and off?

    looking for a nice heavy duty switch to turn my TL on and off. I was thinking of putting it on a rotary style bilge switch, but not sure of the switch has enough amp rating. what's everyone else using?
  14. jetpilot36

    Identify this bracket

    Which bracket is this? Xft? Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  15. jetpilot36

    RRP pole question

    So I can use a blowing spring? Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  16. jetpilot36

    RRP pole question

    trying to piece together my build in a hurry. I'm looking to buy RRP cast pole. Can I use this pole with stock SJ bracket? if not ill have to buy an RRP bracket. but if I get the RRP bracket can I run a spring with it? not a fan of the stiff pinch bolts just for freeride.
  17. jetpilot36

    Enhancer vs TL

    It was a valid question. I thought maybe the spark intensity was very similar and the only difference was a tunable advanced timing Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  18. jetpilot36

    Enhancer vs TL

    ive run a few msd total loss systems and I know how strong they spark. very significant and noticeable gains. ive never run an enhancer. is it almost the same? or is it a huge difference? would the spark be the same intensity?
  19. jetpilot36

    Custom/Hybrid What motor / Pump are they using for jet surfboards ?

    castor 927. just for the smell. or lucas synthetic.
  20. jetpilot36

    8ml stroke help

    make sure your tank is vented to atmosphere.
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