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  1. jetpilot36

    tendonitis ?

    Old school Kawasaki thumb throttle for the win! Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  2. jetpilot36

    how hard is it to get a B pipe right now?

    I hate paying over $600 for a b pipe, but gotta pay to play I guess. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  3. jetpilot36

    how hard is it to get a B pipe right now?

    So vendors only? No used ones this time of year I guess. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  4. jetpilot36

    how hard is it to get a B pipe right now?

    just wondering how hard it would be to find a B pipe during the peak of riding season? got me a virgin square. needing some go fast parts.
  5. jetpilot36

    701 spark traveling up the pulse line

    I was thinkin bad ground. run a redundant ground just in case.
  6. jetpilot36

    Shipped Motor Damage - What to do?

    much ado over nothing. Just my opinion though. I would want it to be packed better, but there is a very good chance no harm was done at all other than a couple of scratched head bolts. I believe this is more of a principle thing than actual shipping damage. but each to his own. im not mad at cha.
  7. jetpilot36

    BUN MSD total loss fly wheel :)

    2nd pic. Looks like a crack between the 9 o'clock and 11 o'clock holes. Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  8. jetpilot36

    BUN MSD total loss fly wheel :)

    is that a crack?
  9. jetpilot36

    MSD Total Loss Box (I Made)

    I like the 4270. Interested in selling? Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  10. jetpilot36

    pjs 550 viper 5000

    @TheBuzzard I think he really likes these skis. Ask him about em.
  11. jetpilot36

    Single Cooling W/ Riva Red Pipe and ADA Head

    what are ideal cylinder temps? (cast Cylinder) (billet cylinder)?
  12. jetpilot36

    Freestyle Fuel Starvation

    If you only have 1 pump carb, then try capping off one pulse line and just use the one pulse line. But if it were my ski I would be running pumps on both carbs. Hence the 2 pulse lines Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  13. jetpilot36

    Freestyle Fuel Starvation

    if the cases aren't fitted with dual pulse lines, I suggest putting a dual pulse line in. basically you wanna turn that slave carb into a pump carb identical to the first carb. and also 2 separate feed lines for each carb. and make sure your tank is vented properly.
  14. jetpilot36

    Does anyone sell gatorgrip anymore

    Ttt?! This is my thread! Lol. So TTT! Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
  15. jetpilot36

    760 head shaving

    .040 thousandths will get you 185psi. with a cometic head gasket.
  16. jetpilot36

    Does anyone sell gatorgrip anymore

    WOW. such bad reviews of gatorgrip. after some consideration, I think ill go jet trim. That naugahyde is ridiculous sticky.
  17. jetpilot36

    Super Jet Gap between engine and midshaft couplers

    as said earlier. just wallow out the bedplate holes. much easier.
  18. jetpilot36

    Does anyone sell gatorgrip anymore

    Looking for some gator grip turf. I know its discontinued. just wondering if anyone makes re-pops or some new old stock for sale?
  19. jetpilot36

    Dual Carbs Linkage

    i like the jetworks carb linkage. simple to use and works very well to sync up both butterflies.
  20. jetpilot36

    Custom/Hybrid ZXI + N20?

    definitely going to need some fuel pressure vs straight venture effect as far as nozzle is concerned. i guess what i what i was trying to say is that it doesn't take 50 or 60psi of fuel pressure like a car's fuel rail would provide. 15psi on the fuel side with either a regulator or a low...
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