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  1. Tuttle

    Hi Guys ! Im Back !

    Very cool to see you back Pete! :biggthumpup:
  2. Tuttle

    Found this on the Beach in Sebastian this weekend...

    I was out there on Saturday from like 11-2. Fuggin lake Atlantic at it's best. Winds out of the nw for days :smashfreakB:
  3. Tuttle

    Mowin' the grass FX1 style!

    I used to have trails like that behind my house from the airboats. Problem was when it rains and it was high enough to ride them, you had to watch for gators. In that shallow of water when they hear/see you coming, they are up on all 4's usually running the same path your trying to navigate...
  4. Tuttle

    Quiet down that X-Metal Waterbox

    I don't believe you. Your ski :27: nawwww
  5. Tuttle

    Bad deal with 24/7 760 Superjet

    Yeah, That sucks. I've had things that were shipped parcel post show up 3 weeks later. That was from Miami to Orlando. Really sucks you had to pay shipping on both though, when his was the one in question. Like Scott said....True colors :ouch:
  6. Tuttle

    Sebastain Tomorrow!

    Me too! :crazy: Slutty, Idok, Robert and I guess a few others are going to Daytona tomorrow.
  7. Tuttle

    get well surfjetlouie!!!

    Thoughts and prayers are with you Louie. Radiation and chemo are no fun. :puke: I hope you only need one seires and it get's it all. Get well and stay strong!
  8. Tuttle

    Get a copy of Rippin Freestyle

  9. Tuttle

    The Nascency Project :: The Renegades :: Part 1

    DITTO!!! That link just went to the top of my favs. All four....more, more, more
  10. Tuttle

    Pismo freeride

    :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: Great job on the whole video! Amazzzzzzing
  11. Tuttle

    limiting ropes

    I'd like to see some mounted on X-Metal poles.
  12. Tuttle

    Sebastian May 08*B1 BACKFLIPS*

    My "excuse" for not being leg-gyna is still not ready not am I into streching my calf enough to ride my sj. It"s been over a month since it happend and stitches have been out for almost 2 weeks. Seems to be healing from the inside out. Wish I was there. Surf looked fun. :woot...
  13. Tuttle

    Sebastian May 08*B1 BACKFLIPS*

    Great video!!! You two are steping up bigtime. Like it's been said before, "Chris makes it look easy". Keep it up :Banane09:
  14. Tuttle

    Sebastian May 08*B1 BACKFLIPS*

    Jeez! You fuggin wait till I get to work to post the video. Youtube don't work here. Can't wait to watch it.:smoker:
  15. Tuttle

    Wavejunkies freeride in St Maarten

    I'm thinking $800-1200 round trip. I could probably get it there cheaper but that would be a boat getting it there when it gets there. (slow) MB, I am actually thinking I might do this in Sept-Oct. Next Monday I am riding my couch from Miami to the Bahamas for 4 days. Weather permiting. I...
  16. Tuttle

    Wavejunkies freeride in St Maarten

    Kris and Fab are truly very cool people. I am planning to ship my ski down there for 10-14 days if I can stay injury free for the summer. I see pics of Orient Beach and some others look like the Dutch side. (Moho Bay?) I see you made it to the top of the mountain. Great Island. I've been there a...
  17. Tuttle

    Grits At The Chickenbone

    Not true at all. My friends mom used to make em with some good stuff. Don't have a clue but they were good. But you are right, I will eat about anything.
  18. Tuttle

    Grits At The Chickenbone

    Hmmmm, How much shipped to 34747? Sounds good and I'm hungry.
  19. Tuttle

    Great, more stitches

    No Lidocaine? You are a fuggin animal!!!
  20. Tuttle

    Sebastain Freeride May 3rd, 4th

    I believe I will be there on Sunday fo sure. I've kinda been having issues with the hole in my leg. It's been 17 days since it happand and I still can not put my heal to the floor. Friday they wanted to do surgery because they said (they believe) I have a small infection behind my muscle. I went...
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