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  1. swapmeet

    Super Jet Some new variations of existing billet porn...

    No reason, I know its dumb. I keep seeing posts for the ATP billet ebox and I think it says billet waterbox. But really, why have a billet Flywheel cover, or one with a window? Cause its awesome! :dunno: Never know though. You could have bolt on flanges for the inlet and outlet. Multiple...
  2. swapmeet

    Super Jet Rdrttoy's 2008 Super Jet Build

    I was scrolling through your pics and saw the bare hull and I said to myself "Did he really remove all the gelcoat?" LOL... yep! Sucks that you had to do all that extra work but the finished product looks amazing... Did you weigh it after you were done?
  3. swapmeet

    Super Jet Some new variations of existing billet porn...

    Billet waterbox... GO!
  4. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    See^^^ BTW, turf came in today. Hydro turf rocks! Kinda slacking tonight. I cut off the excess carbon, ground down the tails and rough spots, and stood in the tray to see how rigid it is. It's pretty stout, I think I'm done with my layup.
  5. swapmeet

    Super Jet Tray thickness?

    Thanks ya'll!! (Out of "thanks" sry) Sounds like I'm headed the right direction.
  6. swapmeet

    Super Jet Tray thickness?

    I just did the math. I have 4 layers of carbon in the foothold areas plus that layer of Kevlar. I stood in the tray and it didn't make a peep. Obviously the pressure of a hard landing is probably double of me just standing in the tray. Ill see if anyone else has some wisdom, but I may leave...
  7. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Backie Chan build

    LOL its all about AFFORDING the trim.
  8. swapmeet

    Super Jet Tray thickness?

    Yeah addict, my foam is stacked the same way. Maybe I should do one or two more layers of carbon or throw another layer of Kevlar in for good measure. Hmm...
  9. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    Man, all my respect to the people who make visual parts. This stuff is a pita to mess with on complex curves. Its not supposed to look good, just be "stronk like bull!"
  10. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Backie Chan build

    I'm holding off on trim i think. I want to get used to riding it before I spend that money (x2 on the $WTF) on trim. Thanks for mentioning the pole!!!! Mine is on the way also, so it can be painted at the same time as my hull.
  11. swapmeet

    Super Jet Tray thickness?

    Question: How thick should the tray be? Or is should the thickness be in 'weight' of material? Is there a rule of thumb or does everyone just wing it? The story: On my RN, I defoamed, refoamed with XPS or whatever the home insulation stuff is and now i'm laying up my new tray with carbon...
  12. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid BOB G3 Kevlar NY build

    Dude props to you for trying to work with a little one running a muck! I just wait for my little duo (2.5y/o girl and 18mo boy) to take a nap. Gives me about 4 hours total per weekend lol... Looking good keep it up!
  13. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    Man what a weekend! Epoxy and Carbon were on the porch as I hoped on Friday. Wife and I put the kids to bed on Friday, I kissed her on the cheek and said "you know where i'll be!" BTW, This is all gonna start to look the same because i'm just laying CF down right now. But i'm gonna keep it...
  14. swapmeet

    Freestyle Ready to ride weights

    :dunno: Thats what the scale said. The foam wasn't completely saturated, but there was standing water on the one way side. It rode heavy, I can tell you that. Not saying its obese, just posting a weight for reference.
  15. swapmeet

    Super Jet 2012 SJ: Bob adjustable install

    That looks great. I like that turf.
  16. swapmeet

    650/X-2 totally destroyed my face and ski....posting this thread from the hospital

    Ok seriously... for real.... effing OWWWW man... that sucks. Hope you heal up quick!
  17. swapmeet

    Super Jet My fixxie

    The stock graphics look great. Looks like a OEM ski! :clap:
  18. swapmeet

    Super Jet What should I upgrade? 92 650

    9/15 hooker is my suggestion. I have a 'stout' 650 in my old ladies ski and that prop works great. For a 650 its a blast. Do the quick steer mod too (free). Maybe D- cut your ride plate. (Free) Defintely put some holds in, makes doing basic tricks much easier. You'll probably be buying a...
  19. swapmeet

    Custom/Hybrid Another Backie Chan build!!

    Looks great. Turf really finishes it off nice.
  20. swapmeet

    Freestyle Ready to ride weights

    I <3 this thread. Someday ill have a weight to post, it'll probably be close to Deftons tho. Anyone have any thoughts on a hull being too light to ride enjoyably? Just to keep it real, my RN with bad reinforcement, wet foam, and a little fuel was 318lbs.
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