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  1. motoman3000

    Custom/Hybrid So... What are your off season/winter build plans?!

    Installed one in my friends new bathroom. Loves it!! His girlfriend on the other hand...
  2. motoman3000

    Blaster 1100 versus 781 BB

    Made up my mind. Getting a Blaster this winter. I'm looking into an 1100 conversion- I have a lead on a cheap zxi- but is it right for what I want? I ride 90 % flat water w/ mild chop. Love to get air on my SJ but I'm also a speedfreak that carves and corners. Engine reliability is also a...
  3. motoman3000

    Other garage full of jet skis

    nice collection you got there
  4. motoman3000

    yo its derrick, custom yellow sn superjet. If your the dude I met this summer w/ the sxr and...

    yo its derrick, custom yellow sn superjet. If your the dude I met this summer w/ the sxr and sit-down ski holla back! We had a beer back @ your in-laws house one day. motoman3000 aka derrick
  5. motoman3000

    anyone from nj?

    I think I rode w/ you guys a few times. I forget your name-Zach?( house on 4th i think), but some kid andrew was there w/ his old kawi too. Ill be back nxt year w/ my yellow sn or possibly on new boat!
  6. motoman3000

    Super Jet Rn pole on a squarenose bracket question!

    FWIW, I have a '93 SN hull. I agree, its a small winter project. If they're still available grab 1! The qualiity in craftsmanship is top notch!
  7. motoman3000

    Super Jet Rn pole on a squarenose bracket question!

    Not to discount the hazard bracket, my rn pole went on smooth, but it seems the height of the hood hooks are a bit tall and dont create enough down-force on the front of my hood seal when the hoood latches in and locks down. Its visible by the water in my bilge and lack of indent on the hood...
  8. motoman3000

    Super Jet SN from hell

    Clean ski. nice work!
  9. motoman3000

    Other Riding spots in Northern VA

    My brother lives in Stephens City, VA. Any lakes nearby that allow skis?? Near Winchester? Not sure if I should bother lugging the trailer down.
  10. motoman3000

    Super Jet Another Square back to life build

    Final post to my build. Thanks to all who posted and helped me out w/ parts. I spent more than budgeted but thats always expected.
  11. motoman3000

    Super Jet I want a brap strap AND hood latch!!

    Just stuck on a new watcon seal. Needed it done and surf seal was taking a lil longer to get- emails n such. But I'm running a hazard bracket with an RN pole on my square and the way he fabricated the two hooks on the pole mount to hold the front of hood down are a bit tall. If I realized...
  12. motoman3000

    Super Jet Another Square back to life build

    Well its been a while and I slacked off with keeping up on the build and posting, but its almost done. Because i'm a perfectionist to detail, only finished pics. I rushed the end of the build and wasnt happy with my first foray with fiberglass composites. Its functional, but I dropped $$ on...
  13. motoman3000

    Super Jet Re-install, start, smoke - Help!

    Got her running, I'm an idiot who has never put a ski back together. I had ebox cable for starter and mounted it on manifold block. Guess thats why there was smoke! Aftert installing anew battery and sprayed a little fuel mix in the cylinders, im off to the boat launch. Thanks
  14. motoman3000

    Super Jet I want a brap strap AND hood latch!!

    Yeah I noticed the stock latch on my SN does little to nothing to compress the front part of the hood down. Thats partially due to the hazard bracket I installed, the hooks he added to hold down the SN hood need some modifying, but its installed already. After scanning jetmaniac's thread the...
  15. motoman3000

    Super Jet I want a brap strap AND hood latch!!

    Where are you guys mounting your hood strap ratchet when your keeping the oem hood latch?? Pics? I'm trying to use the one bought from jetmaniac .
  16. motoman3000

    Other help with duel 38 carbs

    Courtesy of Google
  17. motoman3000

    Super Jet No fuel to primer

    Well I sprayed some fuel mix into cylinders and she fired up. Should I just cap off the reserve fuel p/u and tee into primary fuel in line for the primer?
  18. motoman3000

    Super Jet No fuel to primer

    I eliminated the on/off selec and switched the stock primer with the bulb push-button type from jetmaniac. After much research I thought I knew how to route the lines properly ( ski was apart all winter) but I cant get fuel when I pump it. The reserve fuel pick up has been extended so its even...
  19. motoman3000

    Super Jet Problem starting

    Thats gotta be my problem, guess I should have labelled better. First time putting a ski back together so i'm allowed a few missteps .
  20. motoman3000

    Super Jet Problem starting

    Maybe found my problem. When i took ski apart last winter I labelled one of the wires coming from ebox "engine block". Where does this wire go? Stock ebox, it has 2 plug wires, 1 positive to battery, hook ups for start/stop, wires going to flywheel, and this one!! I had it connected to...
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