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  1. keith t

    Blaster 1 motor options

    Thanks, just looking for which couch models to watch out for, or is it as simple as all kwak 1100s and all yam 11 &. 12s work ?
  2. keith t

    Blaster 1 motor options

    Performance without having a highly strung motor, river runs lakes etc primarily
  3. keith t

    Blaster 1 motor options

    So is that any or all yam and kwak tripples will fit ?
  4. keith t

    Blaster 1 motor options

    Is there an extensive list of motor options for the B1 ? Clearly some installations will be more straightforward, just looking for which couches to keep an eye on for an 1100 or 1200 conversion
  5. keith t

    TNT triple yamaha pipe

    Im subscribing to this thread, i have lots to learn and will keep my mouth shut , ears and eyes open and try to learn something new.
  6. keith t

    TriXstar Evo : making of

    A thing of beauty Andy :)
  7. keith t

    XS1200 with RRP Carbon Pipe?

    There is a reason why the majority of the best riders at the worlds use the dry pipe. Carbon wrap your PFP Jim and be done with it you tart
  8. keith t

    Freestyle Running Powerfactor chamber wet

    In order to test this modification back to back, has anyone tried tapping thespray bar into the chamber close to the manifold, then simply switch chambers and test. Should give more real time feedback of the differences ?
  9. keith t

    Blaster Rick's Detailed 1100 Blaster Conversion

    Im keeping a very close eye on this thread from the UK, i favour using the kwak motor over the GP1200 and would welcome any advice . Keep up the good work Keith
  10. keith t

    LIVE2RIDE powersports

    Big up to Cory, first dealings with him from over here in the UK, got to say smooth transaction, excellent comms, and quality goods, thank you. Keith
  11. keith t

    TPE MOTOR SETUP's - list your package

    So if you guys are injecting these to make them run as a wet pipe, what are you doing with the ignition curves ? I run my PFP dry on my 1105 and it hits like a MOFO, but i drag the advance back significantly. Whats the score once running the pipe wet ?
  12. keith t

    Maxx 148 rust

    bought the jetmaniac shafts at the same time as the Maxx pumps, maxx pumps got through customs into the UK quicker than the JM stuff (UK customs issue not JM !) - ran the maxx shaft for a few weeks then switched it out when opportunity presented
  13. keith t

    Maxx 148 rust

    Same here, just switched out for a jetmaniac shaft and zero issues, will keep the maxx shaft as a spare
  14. keith t

    ATP Total Loss TS2

    Ive been running with TPE1105 for months, zero issues. Hadnt heard about chargers sending things wonky ??????? Leave my battery permanently connected to ski , and hooked up to optimate 3 when not in use. Highly recommend this ignition.
  15. keith t

    Pop off arm springs question

    Put them in carbs and test pop offs
  16. keith t

    What is this small hole in my tray for?

    Looks like it may have been for a trim cable, get it sealed ans also look for a corresponding one in the engine bay
  17. keith t

    Dasa vs Xscream vs Tpe 1100cc

    I run the tpe 1105 and its awesome , absolutely awesome, just got a 964 as well, but havnt done anything with that yet
  18. keith t

    Engine Spinning Backwards

    Timing must be massively out, or flywheel key has sheared ( or not refitted) but yes motor could run backwards. Flywheel off, recheck stator position, flywheel and woodruff key. Report back findings
  19. keith t

    Backi Chan w/Dasa 1000 + the works completely submerged and rescued

    I use a piece of 3mm bungy chord, fix to inside of scupper flap with a plastic P clip, run through to the rear engine mount and fix, this prevents the flap dropping open when you leave the water - stopping it ripping off or getting damaged on landing. The weight of any water in the bilge will...
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