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  1. keith t

    superjet head pressure?

    Is the gauge accurate ?
  2. keith t

    2015 WDK rip 701 build

    Err, get facts straight, Ant wasnt at the comp, and Lee wasnt skiing as hes in hospital having an operation today !
  3. keith t


    Dropped a kwak 1100 in my B1, its absolutely awesome
  4. keith t

    need info on tuning a 771 with powerfactor

    Forget the MSD enhancer, you need a programmable set up to get the beat out of these pipes
  5. keith t

    Midshaft Internal Diameter

    As in the external diameter of prop shaft ?
  6. keith t

    atp epic cutting out *fixed!

    Lean bog, needs way more fuel low down at least,
  7. keith t

    What would you do?

    B pipe, increase compression with girdled head, ignition enhancer. Keep post 08 prop for now, save for mag pump in future
  8. keith t

    Yamasaki 1100

    Cheers SM, thats just the job - gives me a great starting point. keith
  9. keith t

    Yamasaki 1100

    Bump for some braapp
  10. keith t

    Yamasaki 1100

    Im dropping an 1100 kwak motor in my blaster 1. I plan to fit mikuni 44s onto a rhaas products speedplate. My question is, can anyone advise on a starting point for carb and jetting specs ? Thanks, Keith
  11. keith t

    MSD total loss vs TS2 Twin spark ignition.

    Lee Stone uses ATP ignitions
  12. keith t

    Braapp factory UK. TPE1105 thread

    Air Time Products
  13. keith t

    Case Porting & Epoxy - Opinions? (With Pics)

    This is part finished , see my epoxy work is a lot smoother transitions
  14. keith t

    TPE MOTOR SETUP's - list your package

    TPE 900cc competition set up, nearly ready for the water, in a Hurricane C3 hull
  15. keith t

    155's Cats trim question

  16. keith t

    TriXstar Evo : making of

    Thats awesome
  17. keith t

    New head = Premature engine failure... ?

    Squish is the clearence between edge of the top of the piston and the dome, measured by crimping a piece of solder by turning motor over by hand. Take measurement in line with wrist pin as a false reading can be taken if measured at 90 deg to wrist pin due to piston rocking.
  18. keith t

    Crankcase full of gas??

    Needles n seats, need to check pop offs are holding tight at correct pressure
  19. keith t


  20. keith t

    Tube style pole brands?

    ATP poles are THE most popular pole in the UK, great product, colours, service , quality and availability, cant comment on wether theres a US dealership
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