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  1. keith t

    Freestyle RCW Brawler Build for 2016, ET1107 PICS ENGINE BUILT!!

    If you dont want water ingress, put the totla loss in an IP65 rated enclosure
  2. keith t

    Other Trip to the UK

    Posted a link to this in the "battle of the pilots" group on facebook see whats going on
  3. keith t

    Other Trip to the UK

    19/20 March ?
  4. keith t

    Something big is coming

    This a TPE casting ? I notice the curved PVs
  5. keith t


    I have a jet dynamics concave rideplate from my blaster 1, will this fit directly on a blaster 2 ?
  6. keith t

    PFP on a 760?

    ATP TS2 works very well, and manufactured in the UK
  7. keith t

    PFP on a 760?

    Programmable is the way to go, it allows you to get the advance to ramp up quickly, but " pull the curve " back to prevent damage to the motor later in the curve. MSD enhancer wont get anywhere near the best out of this pipe
  8. keith t

    PFP on a 760?

    Weve run 5 or 6 701-760 superjets and other freestyle skis with PFPs, theyre all much better than say a b pipe. They work better with a good ignition system and advance, with nice compression and good fuel. Warm motor and pipe up using restrictors or adjustable pissers
  9. keith t

    Why don't I ever see dyno's?

    This thread had so much potential , I love reading ( and re reading) the tech guys inputs to try to learn more about EG why dyno results arent the only way to get the most out of a motor and set up. It really is a shame that it turns out into a slanging match with trolling and hidden agendas...
  10. keith t

    Freestyle RCW Brawler Build for 2016, ET1107 PICS ENGINE BUILT!!

    This is going to be a clean build :)
  11. keith t

    Driveshaft splines-run it of replace it?

    What size are the O rings Augustaf ? Worth carrying spares i reckon
  12. keith t

    Choosing the best MOTOR!!

    I run a TPE1105, and so does my brother, we got the first two in the UK and absolutely love them, you wont be disappointed, and even thousands of miles away the service we get from TPE, Chris Rauen and Phil Clemmons is second to none
  13. keith t

    et 1107 krash

    Whats the bore and stroke, i dont understand how they get 1107cc
  14. keith t

    Why don't I ever see dyno's?

    Love the tech info in this thread, although im going to have to read and re read for it to sink in. Keep it up TNT
  15. keith t

    Other Poll ATP EPIC - either Gen 1 or HX3

    EPIC, HX3, both flawless, also had gen 1 (still fitted and running in a superjet) gen 2 and TS2 total loss units. Happy with all of them. Gen 2 total loss was on SS865, TS2 is powering my TPE 1105.
  16. keith t

    TNT v2 free ride production pipe

    Fits straight onto PFP manifold ?
  17. keith t

    If two is good then four is better

    Thats added lots of value to the discussion ☝️
  18. keith t

    If two is good then four is better

    Video on facebook shows Lee doing 40 flips around the lake , my bet is there is something about this system
  19. keith t

    B1100 keep bursting exhaust coupler

    Use an inner thin walled aluminium sleeve, within the silicone coupler ?
  20. keith t

    Custom/Hybrid Kawiblaster 1100 cooling

    is it possible to add extra cooling fittings to an OEM STX1100 head ? The kawi 1100 im running in my blaster is very very hot, i feel it would benefit from the addition of more cooling exits to help the cooling flow . Any help appreciated before i drop more cash on an ADA or similar head
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