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  1. snowxr

    sxi pro porpoising

    $75 sounds fair.
  2. snowxr

    Why don't I ever see dyno's?

    Anyone have some threadlock I can use? Preferably permanent. Or a banhammer might suffice.
  3. snowxr

    sxi pro porpoising

    I had front sponsons, hull extensions, r&d ride plate and grate, and lots of weight under the engine and in the nose. Rock solid. I have an extra set of extensions if anyone is looking for their sxi pro.
  4. snowxr

    Why don't I ever see dyno's?

    Here's what you've all been waiting for. A full comparison Dino chart. You're welcome.
  5. snowxr

    Other Hey all, what TNT pipe is this???

    420 mains, of coarse! Wait. It's a crack pipe, too??? That's amazing. It's 18 times better than any other pipe on the black market. Trust me. Zack Bright bought one, and 30 seconds later Jake bought one. Then the Green Lantern bought one and you know blah blah blah just buy one.
  6. snowxr

    Why don't I ever see dyno's?

    Ugh, my head hurts. How do I get a refund on the last twelve pages?
  7. snowxr

    Other Hey all, what TNT pipe is this???

    *High altitude jetting required. Where's the manifold? Oh, that's right, there aren't any.....
  8. snowxr

    World finals in naples florida

    BK, though competition is interesting it's not that big of a deal to most of the jet skiers on earth. Same as any type of recreation vs. Competition. We all drive a car, but most don't care about NASCAR. We have sailors all over the world, but relatively few care about the Americas Cup...
  9. snowxr

    World finals in naples florida

    Did you go?
  10. snowxr

    Rusty crank shaft ?

    Good call. Your picture showed that the small end of your rod had lines of rust/pitting. A bearing failure was imminent.
  11. snowxr

    Chp took my ski

    That kid hasn't been around here in nearly a month. It's over, he's done jet skiing. Let's start a big argument and someone can get all butt hurt and we'll lock this thing down.
  12. snowxr

    Other FAKE Rickter Alert!

    Jetmaniac sells him parts for every rickter clone he builds. Confirmed
  13. snowxr

    Tweeker industries at it again !

    I got my Becky Chan plate. Commemorative edition #1 1/2
  14. snowxr

    Surfriding Beach find

    I thought it looked like a ride plate, lol.
  15. snowxr

    Surfriding Beach find

    It's from a 300/440/550. The rest of the ski isn't worth looking for.
  16. snowxr

    Trim tube leaks inside hull

    I use rubber hose clamped over the cable and tube. Simple.
  17. snowxr

    Other More fake rickters...

    So, you post that you're a total badazz and we should take your word for it? Lol you're probably 5'2" and drive a Chevy with a 6" lift and have a deuche sack of nuts hanging on the hitch. Little man's syndrome and act tough because you went to planet fitness - ONCE. Who cares.
  18. snowxr

    TNT triple pipe

    Sounds like a great business model.
  19. snowxr

    Chp took my ski

    Cops here throw their impounded skis in a dumpster and have them hauled to the dump. But the truck driver knows a guy that parts out skis, so he drops it off at his house instead. That guy makes money selling what was deemed stolen. The system is crooked.
  20. snowxr

    Chp took my ski

    If a HIN EVER fell off, the first thing to do is contact the correct agency to inform them and request a replacement. You've already stated that yours was removed to install a scupper, so telling a judge a big lie is probably NOT in your best interest.
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