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  1. snowxr

    Rad Dudes phone #?

  2. snowxr

    Possible beach cart tires?

    Too bad they weigh about 48Lbs each. Guess you won't have to worry about your cart floating.
  3. snowxr

    battery for limitedslip tank

    Ytx12-bs fits, too.
  4. snowxr

    Anyone know what kind of pipe this is?

    Now make some outlandish claims about how your pipe make about 40hp more than a power factor. Maybe give it a name, like Firecracker, or Dynamite. A few suckers will think you're the sweet Jesus of pipe tuning and lick your azz all the way to the bank! Lol
  5. snowxr

    Anyone know what kind of pipe this is?

    Is it for sale ??? Price?
  6. snowxr

    How/why is the Yamaha pump better

    Yes. That was 1985, and the superjet hadn't been built yet.
  7. snowxr

    How/why is the Yamaha pump better

    You're seriously off base with your statements. Kawi has had 4 pump designs for stand ups over the past 42yrs. The sxr pump is based on the 1992 pump, which is derived from the 1986 650 pump. Yamaha has 2 main. pump designs for stand ups over the last 25yrs. Yamaha had built smaller...
  8. snowxr

    Retro superjets

    Yes, stickers only. Just an advertising sales ploy. Buy Sunkist, enter to win a pwc. (P.S. here's a 1099 form. You owe uncle Sam %40 of the retail price in tax money.)
  9. snowxr

    Psi pipe vs b pipe

    Yeah, PSI are awesome. That's why they stopped selling watercraft pipes about 20yrs ago. Oh, and they'll keep your welder busy, too.
  10. snowxr

    Gas tank question

    It depends. Measurements?
  11. snowxr

    What is this value of my engine?

    Realistic price :$1200-1700. I know in your mind it's worth more like $8000, but that's completely unrealistic. The cylinder is old, the head is missing domes, and +6mm is an oddball stroke. Compound that with whether or not it's ported and set up properly, and it all adds up to a risky...
  12. snowxr

    Powerfactor chattering noise

    Rattling around front of engine? Bendix, maybe.
  13. snowxr

    62t fp manifold on 61x cylinder?

    Why 8? Buy two, and it'll locate all 8 on center.
  14. snowxr

    Retro superjets

    I'm not sure how many Sunkist superjets were made, but I've seen at least 4 myself.
  15. snowxr

    What pump shoe??

    I met with a foundry today to discuss bringing the pump shoes and intake grates back into production. Prices may go up a bit, but it could happen. I still have tooling for 4 intake grates (two I never made to sell, yet) , both SJ AND Blaster 1 pump shoes, and handlepoles. Hang onto your hats.
  16. snowxr

    Other New Sea-Doo Stand Up to be released

    Some people will say anything to get you on their site. Might as well crown a "super champion of the world" while they're at it, too. Popycock.
  17. snowxr

    General Pole Bracket Question

    Whoever told you that has no clue. There's a lot of twisting force put on these parts doing rolls, etc. No epoxy is going prevent the fatigue that causes them to crack.
  18. snowxr

    General Pole Bracket Question

    Stock pole mounts tend to crack near the latch/stopper mount. It's pretty common.
  19. snowxr

    Super Jet Compatible SJ rideplates

    Vxr and blaster1 plates don't fit.
  20. snowxr

    Other I got traded a wonky Mod Chamber

    You got scammed. Plain and simple.
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