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  1. snowxr

    Kawasaki factory pipe on a Yamaha motor

    You can't just turn it around.
  2. snowxr

    Stator eating engine?

    Those look like locator pins from the case cover/ crank case. Must have been loose, and stuck to the flywheel magnets before assembly. That'll chew up a stator.
  3. snowxr

    62T direct horizontal intake.

    Plus the intakes pictured are for a dirt bike. They look like Suzuki RM250 parts to me.
  4. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid WHAT drive shaft is used for eme micro with yamaha pump?

    There's one for sale here that claims it uses stock SJ shaft. I'd assume all SN and pre 08 shafts.
  5. snowxr


    Hooples. They always make us feel welcome.
  6. snowxr

    Who's involved in this production?

    Grindco. I think they produced an indoor show in western IL about 5yrs ago and hired Eric Malone to perform along with couch racing.
  7. snowxr

    Freestyle When does a trick count?

    Wtf? Does it count? Who Cares! Who's counting? Just burn some gas, already!!!
  8. snowxr

    Other Lets see your sleds!

    Just picked up another toy. 2004 SnoPro race sled with F6 engine.
  9. snowxr

    couch gas tanks

    I use a 15 gal seadoo tank on a trailer for extra fuel storage. Janky, but functional.
  10. snowxr

    RETURN of the Rock N Ride

    WHA?!?!? I'm so happy! Someone punch me in DA face! I'll be there FO SHO!!!!!!
  11. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Glass VS Carbon

    Stick with the fiberglass hull you have until you can do the tricks you want. Beat the hell out of it. THEN move on to the carbon ski of your dreams, so you don't trash it while learning. Carbon doesn't add skill.
  12. snowxr

    Other Lets see your sleds!

    It's goooood to be riding again!
  13. snowxr

    Bondo Fiberglass Resin

    It's good. GOOD FOR NOTHING!
  14. snowxr

    Other More fake rickters...

    Here's a nice hood a friend got from Ski bum . it had spray foam filling holes, with a skim of bondo to smooth it out. 15 minutes in the sun, and the foam started to grow. What a piece of crap.
  15. snowxr

    scented gas additive

    Ipone oil makes your exhaust smell like strawberries
  16. snowxr

    Other primer

    Slik Sand is a nice high build primer. Good for covering small hull scratches. JP209 is pretty good, too. It's a little cheaper. They're both catalised polyester based primers.
  17. snowxr

    Other Thinning Epoxy resin

    Hey guys, I'm a composites technician by trade. Adding solvents to the resin is not a good idea ESPECIALLY before adding the hardener. Polyester and VE resins can tolerate a small amount of acetone AFTER adding catalist, but adding it before alters the makup of the resin in an adverse way...
  18. snowxr

    Super Jet Worx pump shoe

    I have ONE XR-tech blaster 1 aluminum pump shoe left. I was saving it in case I ever wanted a blaster, but will sell it for $150 plus shipping.
  19. snowxr

    Wife wants to ski...

    Lol ex wife: jet ski- rode once ATV - rode twice Snowmobile - rode 3-400 miles. Couch - all the time Seadoo - once. Good luck
  20. snowxr

    XFT Hull info?

    These pictures scream topdeck conversion, to me. Pictures inside the nose, and under the front bumper might confirm. It just seems to me that the motor mounts, battery tray mounts, and tank/water box mounts look just like a SN. The weight makes sense, too.
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