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  1. snowxr

    Ok, who was it?!

    Hmm, I live in Waterford... I have an idea who this could be.
  2. snowxr

    Tree fell on skis and trailer-insurance cover?

    Jeff, don't feel too bad about that storm damage. In July part of a tree smashed my bedroom wall in a storm at 3am. I was in bed. It was 2 days after breaking my back. $8,000+ insurance claim. See, it's not so bad.
  3. snowxr

    Tree fell on skis and trailer-insurance cover?

    Poor trailer. At least the prototype hull looks happy. :-)
  4. snowxr

    Other Lets see your sleds!

    Any brand can have issues. Just look at Polaris. Fusion 900. 25 recalls. Need I say more? Sure, every brand will have their diehard fans, who will stop at nothing to point fingers at ANY other brand. That's fine, but don't cry when it's your brand that lags behind.
  5. snowxr

    Yep... It's finally on its way

    A little clarification from Josh would go a long way. Good for him, making right Steve's problems. Having an honest statement about the business would go a long way with potential customers.
  6. snowxr

    Super Jet Automotive Windshield Adhesive ???

    I hate 5200. HATE it with passion.
  7. snowxr

    Super Jet Automotive Windshield Adhesive ???

    Butyl is a bad choice (windshield adhesive). It stays soft, and can be dissolved with some mild chemicals, and even wax. I prefer to build up the cap area with 8mm under padding, then turf the whole side with footholds with no seams. Yes, it can be done with zero seams.
  8. snowxr

    Other Lets see your sleds!

    Yes, he's sure. THAT'S why he got an Arctic Cat.
  9. snowxr

    Yep... It's finally on its way

    I'll believe it when you have a phantom in your garage. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
  10. snowxr

    Carbon BOB Gen 1 opinions/value

    I know of a carbon gen 1 in MI that's been passed around like a $3 hooker. It was a comp freestyle ski before it got here, so you know it's had a hard life. I wouldn't look to spend a whole bunch on any gen 1, as the build quality wasn't great, and they're getting old.
  11. snowxr

    Quadrofoil electric watercraft

    That'd be OK.......with a big powerful gas outboard on the back! No less will be tolerated.
  12. snowxr

    Need opinions for a tool I'm developing (engine temp)

    I can honestly say that after 25yrs + of riding and working on my own skis, I would not buy this. I've ridden every temp from ice cold to steaming hot water, without adjusting the cooling.
  13. snowxr

    installing pump shoe into am hull

    What?!? Why on earth would you do that? Just scuff the bonding area with 36 grit for good adhesion.
  14. snowxr

    Tree fell on skis and trailer-insurance cover?

    I'll give you the value of the wave runners had they been insured for actual value. $5. And you can keep them.
  15. snowxr

    Tree fell on skis and trailer-insurance cover?

    Insurance doesn't cover damage to salvage.
  16. snowxr

    Tweeker industries at it again !

    Forget your ride plate..... Where's Becky Chan? I ordered her weeks ago. Riding season is almost over!
  17. snowxr

    How old are some of the little kids that race or ride??

    It all boils down to laws protecting two groups. Group 1: Those too stupid to know better. Group 2: those too young to know better.
  18. snowxr

    SXR Hull repairs!!

    X2 Tomski. VE or epoxy resin for SXR hull repairs. Never use polyester for repairs.
  19. snowxr

    New design TNT pipe

    Only type 8 faces fwd. Type4, type9, and Riva free ride are all the same, pointing to the rear.
  20. snowxr

    No matter what a sit down rider tells you, never ride two dudes on a couch.

    Don't eat the yellow snow. Never wear a Speedo. Even if you're European. Gross.
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