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  1. snowxr

    Other I got traded a wonky Mod Chamber

    It looks like you have a FX1 chamber modified to work with a Kawasaki factory pipe. ?
  2. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid What happens if I remove my water box from the jet ski

    It's a Polaris, so remove the waterbox and blow it up. Please. You'll thank me later.
  3. snowxr

    Giant Cobras ride flying 550s in heaven

    My mind just exploded.
  4. snowxr


    The size and general shape reminds me of the welded in plugs on seadoo exhaust pipes. They can pop off if water freezes in the pipe. It's a long shot, and no idea why it would be in your hull.
  5. snowxr

    Will it fit is it worth it?

    It fits. Works better than stock.
  6. snowxr

    Factory Pipe: "We have no pipes at this time"?

    Seriously!?!? Double the price AND requires a special fuel tank. Not even close to the same price.
  7. snowxr

    Factory Pipe: "We have no pipes at this time"?

    We just don't know how much more power. Nobody does. Considering TNT has sold around 35 pipes in the last 20 years you have a better chance of getting a new b-pipe ( or power factor/ C4/ RRP/ BUN/ WDK)
  8. snowxr

    Factory Pipe: "We have no pipes at this time"?

    A water jacket for what?
  9. snowxr

    701/760 Jumbalaya

    The 760 cylinder won't bolt onto the 61x cases without a bit of work to give clearance for the bigger sleeves. It makes a good spare, but isn't worth much money.
  10. snowxr

    Factory Pipe: "We have no pipes at this time"?

    What?!? Tim has stated that he got nothing from Nynja, if I remember correctly. He even stated that they didn't even give him a chamber.
  11. snowxr

    New design TNT pipe

    There aren't enough PFP/type 8 manifolds around to run the 50 or so available RRP chambers. Good luck selling another new and unproven chamber . the bandwagons aren't circling just yet.
  12. snowxr

    Factory Pipe: "We have no pipes at this time"?

    And chances are that big buck dealers like Blowsion and Riva buy a big chunk of their production to resell at a slight markup.
  13. snowxr

    New design TNT pipe

    What happened to you having manifolds made?
  14. snowxr

    Share your standup jetski story!

    Oh, so THAT'S why I'm's ok, I got to keep all the toys :D
  15. snowxr

    Share your standup jetski story!

    Almost forgot. Here's how I got into jet skis. Saw it, liked it. Rented a couple around 85 and had a blast. It was an addiction and still is. The end.
  16. snowxr

    Share your standup jetski story!

    Whoa, I read the first paragraph and the rest was blah blah blah....... Thanks for sharing
  17. snowxr

    Rare Kawasaki Hydrofoil Jet Ski - ONE OF A KIND JS550 550SX 650SX

    Sad that people don't know the difference between a Hydrofoil and a Hydroplane.
  18. snowxr

    steering question

    Take off the plate you made. Problem solved.
  19. snowxr

    File edge of piston.

    File it in Circular file #13 (aka the trash can)
  20. snowxr

    Super Jet Why/How do base gaskets fail.

    Could be a few things. Loss of tension from loosened hardware would be my first choice. Could be that your cases are warped, too.
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