wow, that was fast! i didnt know that epoxy and paint could dry that fast!! jk.
thing looks sweet! love the paint job on it. lots of time and love into that!
so i have to know then what kind of porting? how far did you go? did you do any decking or changing of the port timing? what kind of compression?
hope im not
ive only gotten paid back once on a ups item. i guess i got lucky. but the box had been torn open, and part of the item was lost. unfortunate, stay on it, dont let it get by!! if you dont get the answers you like appeal it! good luck.
water is a by-product of the combustion of gasoline. Gasoline does contain hydrogen, and when gasoline is burned, some of that hydrogen combines with the oxygen being used to burn it, producing water
if i could get e85 locally and easily i would be going that route also.
i also have xxl hands, i love the rouges, but have wanted to check out the xtreme.
no issues with carpel tunnel using them so far, but they get really gooey after about 2yrs.
i have the 61x-64x in my blaster. i must say without port work its going to lack alot of bottom end like the 61x cylinder. also depending on the pipe and jetting will also make a big difference. im running a factory pipe and i have dialed it in to where the power comes on a bit quicker. that...
it bolts right in. same hull as the gp760. just move the front mounts back to the optional spot for the twin setup. will need a different pitch prop tho.
the head bolts should come off with a bit of heat from a propane torch. then soak the crap out of it with pb blaster several times, then use a lot of heat and paitence! good luck!
i have a kawi 650 motor the top end is good but the bottom end was shot. i have soaked it in the parts washer for...
o.k. stumbled across this the other day, a bit pricey, but very slick! weighing in a 2.12 lbs, with 270 cca! two year warranty!
this is a quote from the website about how long they will last
" Under the worst conditions, a lead acid battery may last only a few weeks and under the best about...
congrats on the movie! i have to say being a jet dreams fan also, must have been sweet being at the house they stayed in!
could'nt happen to a nicer guy! good luck bud!
and more to put it back on track, sorry they look so crappy. i have'nt had the chance to clean them up.
fri night tail gate! spreading the southern hospitality!! LOL
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