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  1. snowxr

    New design TNT pipe

    What do you consider "very expensive"?
  2. snowxr

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    Put a 1000 in it. That way your "customers" can be more satisfied after sinking your demo ski.
  3. snowxr

    Freestyle Ice Cream!

    That splashguard...... Ick!
  4. snowxr

    Anyone try a Twin Drive Impeller System?

    I seem to remember Taylor Curtis trying one a couple years ago (and putting it up for sale REALLY fast).
  5. snowxr

    New design TNT pipe

    So, it's like selling ANYTHING to you.
  6. snowxr

    A new idea for my next ski?

    I 2nd buying a Quadski. 4-stroke, lots of power, can't sink. Oh, and they come with a label instructing the operator to keep their vagina and anus away from the jet unit. Perfect.
  7. snowxr

    A new idea for my next ski?

    Seriously. If you don't buy a Superjet within the next 48hrs. you'll be banned from the site rules. Happy shopping.
  8. snowxr

    2013 SJ Handling...WTF?

    Also, I've noticed that some intake grates upset the handling of 08+ models.
  9. snowxr

    Questions about World Finals

    We need video running non stop of THAT road trip. You can't script it any better.
  10. snowxr

    Questions about World Finals

    Actually, there are some treatments currently in use that have proven affective. So there's still hope. There are meds for ADHD, too. Focalin - ask for it by name. Where's Pete and his Ritalin O's when we need them....
  11. snowxr

    Bende carbon plate

    Heat will only damage the resin.
  12. snowxr

    Questions about World Finals

    OMG. Waterhawk Jr. !
  13. snowxr

    Questions about World Finals

    Should we wager now that the 440 is/isn't sitting on a washer and dryer?
  14. snowxr

    Polaris based a/m engines?

    EME may still be using Polaris based motors. PFP has been building a hybrid yam/pol powerplant.
  15. snowxr

    Spark engine in a Stand up

    And that throttle lever! Weird.
  16. snowxr

    Spark engine in a Stand up

    Doesn't look like a spark engine, either.
  17. snowxr

    Forget the upgrade, how bout this?

    Wow. Just wow. You can't fix stupid.
  18. snowxr

    Engine Considerations as upgrade for 440?

    OMG just buy a Superjet already! Any Superjet. Just stop dreaming that you can just flip a ski by spending money. SKILL and BALLS are required.
  19. snowxr

    Back Brace for Fused Spine

    After searching online, and seeing what's out there.... I may take a stab at making a composite brace molded to my body. Good news is that I'm a composites technician by trade. Bad news is that I can't do a layup on my own back. Lol. So, I may have to get a coworker to help me out a little.
  20. snowxr

    Sxi ride plate tore out

    The easier fix is to use L channel aluminum and cut slots in the rear of the hull, and hammer them into place through the foam. Glass over them, and drill and tap new mounting holes to match the ride plate. A couple friends have used this method.
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