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  1. snowxr

    Turf sides or bottom of the tray first?

    Sides first, especially with footholds.
  2. snowxr

    Is our sport starting to cost an arm and a leg ????

    We make it as expensive as we want. The sky is the limit, but the entry level is very affordable. A decent SN might run $1500. If that's fun for you, enjoy it.
  3. snowxr

    Plasti Dip paint, just an idea

    Oh my.....Anything would have been an improvement over the before pictures.
  4. snowxr

    Next time your mad about wrenching on your ski...

    What!?! Don't be a wuss. I've swapped tracks on two sleds in 3hrs. Yes, both at the same time! Sleds are wonderful toys.
  5. snowxr

    Freestyle Best use of a Kawi TS

    Enter the all new Yamaha Ice Breaker 760. Let's see a Spark do that!
  6. snowxr

    Well I was away (work) and my ski was taken out thanksgiving weekend.

    Wow, I bet it's totalled.
  7. snowxr

    Other Stunt Hull talk!

    You had to be a magician to get anything to fit. :wizard:
  8. snowxr

    Other Stunt Hull talk!

    I can't wait for it to be called ANYTHING but a stunt hull. The name is tainted.
  9. snowxr

    Freestyle GIL's 1st BARRELL ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

    Wow GilGoesRound!!! All that training really paid off.
  10. snowxr

    Other Watercraft oddities .....Lets see some weird stuff

    I try not to. I'm too busy building $40,000 Quadskis.
  11. snowxr

    Converting a MTB to a city commuter

    If you're not riding trails, you might want to look at new tires for your current rims. I have WTB Graffiti 2.2 tires on Sun rims with Deore hubs for my GT Pantera for riding around town. Some panier bags would be a good investment, too.
  12. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Quadski

    Darkwater, Scott works with me. He's doing a great job, too. And yes, $40,000 is the approx. price. It may not be the fastest couch OR the best trail machine, but it fills a niche for some well heeled buyers. More vehicles are in the works, and the price go beyond $1M for this one: How...
  13. snowxr

    Custom/Hybrid Quadski I build the hulls and body parts for the Quadski. It's real.
  14. snowxr

    Other What is your age ?

    Wow, there's a lot of youngsters here now. I've been riding for 24yrs. Most people I hang with say I only look 26, though.
  15. snowxr

    Other core mat

    Rickters have core in them, too. Choosing the right core for the application is key. I use a few different types of core material on a daily basis at work. Some are structurally very rigid, and some are more flexible. Your choices vary a lot, depending on what you're trying to accomplish...
  16. snowxr

    Other core mat

    What type of core do you have? How is your test panel failing?
  17. snowxr

    Super Jet Has this happened to anyone else with xmetal bars?

    X2 Chamfer the bar clamps.
  18. snowxr

    Other Automotive Paint

    FYI: the marine paints are formulated to be "anti-fouling", but they don't differ much from automotive paints. The marine paints are intended for boats that stay in the water for long periods of time. They have copper in the paint, to prevent algee etc. from growing on the hull.
  19. snowxr

    Freestyle Base gasket- alternative thickness. where to buy?

    Cometic will cut custom gaskets.
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