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  1. piratelife

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    Looks sic Steve! Is this carbon or glass? Any idea on weight.
  2. piratelife

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    I don't think river rat as a hull pictured in his avatar. But thanks again for your educated statement/ poop talk!
  3. piratelife

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    For someone that has been around awhile you sure show ignorance buzzard.
  4. piratelife

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    Yeah your right buzzard everyone flatwater flips a 701 superjet. So I guess there is no reason to buy a aftermarket hull. Because in the end your only going to do whatever you could do on your superjet.
  5. piratelife

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    The phantom looks bad ass Steve!
  6. piratelife

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    I agree with what your saying. But a lot of people can't afford the big power right away so your statement of saying "it's pointless" on building a 701 to own is a very bias statement. And if everyone had this same outlook as you our sport would be smaller then it already is.
  7. piratelife

    Time Crunch World Finals Trixstar Build

    Really looking really nice! Bummed I'm missing wf this year. This would be on the top of my list to test ride! Good luck hink!
  8. piratelife

    New design TNT pipe

    I've had a few bob lucky motors with your old chamber back in 98 99. Definitely interested..
  9. piratelife

    New design TNT pipe

    I'm curious about how reliable the mounting is being that it is a "over the top Style pipe" ?
  10. piratelife

    2014 World Finals X2

    Good to hear! Good luck next week!!
  11. piratelife

    2014 World Finals X2

    Ouch! Are you going to be able to get it back together in time? Any idea of what caused it?
  12. piratelife

    Time Crunch World Finals Trixstar Build

    Very nice hink!!
  13. piratelife

    looking for a good hood seal

    Definitely expensive but hold up year after year. If you don't want the best and are on a budget then definitely watcon.
  14. piratelife

    looking for a good hood seal

    Oem ;)
  15. piratelife

    Smallest motor capable of combo's?

    5 mil stroker with oem cylinder for the win!!!
  16. piratelife

    Trendsetterz Phantom

    Post some pics steve! Looking forward to checking it out!
  17. piratelife

    Surfriding Watercraft Rider's BLOWSION Surfslam coverage VIDEO 2014

    Sick video! Micheal ratti amature
  18. piratelife

    Freestyle Photo Friday # 74

    Coming from a Kawasaki guy^^^^^^;) good pics as always
  19. piratelife

    What prop to run.

    Lighten up al! Good info here and funny as hell! I love this thread!
  20. piratelife

    What prop to run.

    How about a "freestyle impeller" I heard they work great!
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