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  1. ArtMaybee

    internal fuel fill... homemade

    mine uses the stock seal and screws.. stays airtight. It always releases vacuum when I loosen the cap. I did this mod a year ago and it still seals GREAT. just drill your pilot holes for the screws SMALL...
  2. ArtMaybee

    Modifying a pump for dual cooling?

    On older pumps you can't just drill, tap, and install the 90 degree. On the older ones you should take it to a welder and get the hole welded up. Then you can drill and tap the weld. I've heard of a few people using epoxy to fill the hole and then drilling and tapping that. Having it...
  3. ArtMaybee

    One way valve questions...

    They are like $12 too.. so not expensive.
  4. ArtMaybee

    One way valve questions...

    You will be doing yourself a HUGE favor is you do a search online and get a zoeller (or zoeler) valve... They are MUCH higher quality than then flotec valve but are the same style valve.
  5. ArtMaybee

    My sweet fiberglass skills!

    don't add an extra squirt of hardener with epoxy. It won't cure any faster and you might get some bad results from doing it. Mix epoxy exactly as the instructions say.
  6. ArtMaybee


    possibly airicc (eric) from PWCtoday?
  7. ArtMaybee

    Single Or Dual Carbs

    Yeah... but is your 44 a STOCK carb or is an aftermarket or modded carb? Becauase usually the stock carbs aren't the ones with problems running WOT. I was only referring to modded carbs that will run lean at WOT.
  8. ArtMaybee

    Single Or Dual Carbs

    Im sure they open them up. But obviously there are still some issues with fuel delivery. If your airflow is restricted, you will not be able to run the RPMs no matter how much displacement your motor has. More displacement, less airflow, adds up to lower RPMs before the thing runs out of...
  9. ArtMaybee

    Single Or Dual Carbs

    Once a carb has been modded to flow more air it can then outpace the stock fuel delivery capacity of the carb at WOT. Nobody can give Mikuni troubles about this because normally the problems come with Running WOT on a single setup with a modded carb. These are no longer TRULY mikuni designs...
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