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  1. ArtMaybee

    Yamaha 701 in X2???

    It'll probably take making an adapter plate to mount the 701 to the x2 bed plate in the proper position. It shouldn't be that hard to make one. There should be pics of the 550/650/750 conversion plates around to use as a reference. You should also be able to use a superjet bpipe without too much...
  2. ArtMaybee

    HUGE Thanks To Ross!

    You could also think about calling crankworks. They will repair just what's needed on a crank. So if it only needs a rod, they will replace a rod. But everything else will be cleaned and inspected too. They would let you know if anything else looked worn. When I talked to them, there was a...
  3. ArtMaybee

    Footholds & Turfing on an Old School SX/JS

    you shouldn't have a problem using the 24-7 universals on that ski. I've seen people build up the indentions on the top of the gunwhale with foam before turfing to get a better finished look after turfing too.
  4. ArtMaybee

    5mm/8mm stroker crankshafts??????????

    hmm.. I thought crankworks welded the holes and then drilled them in a different location to make the stroker cranks.
  5. ArtMaybee

    701 engine running backwards???

    I've seen it happen on one of Paul's boats first hand at Lanier last year. With total loss and a ton of advance they will definitely run backward. I thought it was freaky until it was explained to me.
  6. ArtMaybee


    I've had some dealings with Matt as well and he's always been a good dood. I just recieved somthing from him yesterday and it looks nice.
  7. ArtMaybee

    Gelcoat vs. Paint?

    As far as gelcoat curing there are waxed and unwaxed. Waxed gelcoat is made to cure when exposed to air. The wax rises to the surface and seals it so that it can cure. Then you have unwaxed that won't fully cure without a long cure time, extra heat or saran wrap or whatever. Just remember...
  8. ArtMaybee

    Dayoop's Hood Mod

    Without liners behind the handholds you will have problems with subs, fountains, etc. Your boat will fill up FAST. Have you ever put a bucket underwater upside down? You'll notice that it keeps a pocket of air in it. Think what would happen if you put a 2" hole in the top of your bucket and...
  9. ArtMaybee

    any body live on the gulf coast?

    Mobile, AL here
  10. ArtMaybee

    Engine transplant Yama. to Kawi.

    There are some sick skis on that site, too bad it's not in english. It actually doesn't look like it would be that hard to do... One problem you would run into is.... The yamaha pumps are a lot better than the kawi pumps. So even adding power with the yamaha motor, you won't have the hookup...
  11. ArtMaybee

    no motorsports? there is a jetski event on their schedule.
  12. ArtMaybee

    I don't know if anyone here has seen it or brought it up here but I just found it. This is an internet extreme sports channel. The video quality is pretty good. I was wondering if somebody could convice them to video some ski stuff. There is aleady somthing called...
  13. ArtMaybee

    art maybee - good seller!

    Guys, I wanna apologize for the late shipments on stuff. Please just let me know if there is anything I can do to make up for the problems. I don't want to make excuses but life has been a bit hectic for me. Items have been shipped to anyone who has bought things from me on the board. If you...
  14. ArtMaybee

    Gelcoat vs. Paint?

    heh.. I think the nose piece on a squarenose is just molded plastic not SMC. Then again it could be SMC... Who knows...
  15. ArtMaybee


    High-strength glass, carbon or other advanced fibers are used in applications requiring greater strength and lower weight. High-strength glass is generally known as S-type glass in the United States, R-glass in Europe and T-glass in Japan. S-glass was originally developed for military...
  16. ArtMaybee


    Vacuum bagging can be done affordably... I agree with superjett. I highly doubt that the information you're looking for will be shared. A lot of time goes into developing a layup schedule. as far as resin ratios the closer you can get to 50/50 the better If you want a REALLY durable...
  17. ArtMaybee


    hmm... do any of the hull builders use systems too advanced or expensive to replicate in your garage? I haven't seen anyone using prepreg or autoclaves. I think the biggest thing is knowledge and practice.
  18. ArtMaybee

    where is this sport going?

    It'll never be like it used to be unless people can go into a dealership and buy a new ski. There are very few dealerships that even carry standups anymore. There is one here that will order one for you but on a custom order there is no way to haggle the price. You can't even find a decent...
  19. ArtMaybee

    yamaslut hood mod

    all you need to do for the dry pipe is make the liner then cut it wherever it hits. Then lay some cloth over the hole. l brush on your resin and push the cloth down into the hole to make a recess. Once it's dry you have a hood liner custom made to fit your pipe. Though I think it would work...
  20. ArtMaybee

    sneak preview - new video You can download a free tool to convert the .mov file to .avi Nevermind.. I gotta play with it... just got a white screen... guess it's the version 7 messing with it.
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