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  1. ArtMaybee

    Building 2 skis

    As these other guys have said, don't spend a lot of money on the old js skis. You will be a better rider overall if you spend a bit of time riding an old 550 though. Of course just because your money would be better spent getting an old squarnose for around $1,000 or so doesn't mean it's a total...
  2. ArtMaybee

    New Billet RN Pole to SN Conversion Bracket "Hazard Bracket"

    Would it be possible to be added to the list of people who want one of these? I'd be ok with un-blasted or no ano. I saw one of these on a friends boat and they look top-notch.
  3. ArtMaybee

    i'm looking for more snap out of my 650sx

    If you can find an extrude honed pump jump on it. I put one on my 650sx and it was a night and day difference in pump hookup. I'm not sure about how much better the pumps are with hand porting. Definitely get a 44mm carb if you still have a stock one on it. More compression makes a big...
  4. ArtMaybee

    making a custom rnsj hood???

    I've been off in my own little world. I haven't even ridden it quite some time. I'm hoping to possibly be back in the water for summer though. I'd say you've picked up some nice skills while I was away though. I told you it wasn't that hard :) just time consuming.
  5. ArtMaybee

    300/440/550 I purchased a JS300

    you will have a harder time swapping a bigger motor into that 300sx than the js300. the mounts in the hull are different than the js300
  6. ArtMaybee

    making a custom rnsj hood???

    Nice job Frosty..
  7. ArtMaybee

    300/440/550 I purchased a JS300

    For reeds you can buy a set for a 650sx and have a spare. I think the js300 I had used the same starter and bendix as the 650sx as well. But it's been too long since i had the 300 ( I could be wrong on the starter/bendix). The pistons are also the same as 650sx if you need to replace one. If...
  8. ArtMaybee

    The price you pay when you screw people!

    I just wanna know who got the molds.
  9. ArtMaybee

    Hey man... Long time no talk...

    Hey man... Long time no talk...
  10. ArtMaybee

    300/440/550 Advice on JS300

    most js300 hulls are a lot nicer since they weren't usually ridden as hard. The js300 I bought was MINT so it made for a NICE 550 after swapping some parts.
  11. ArtMaybee

    300/440/550 I purchased a JS300

    Ok, I've seen the comments about the ski being junk. Although it's definitely not the most modern ski they can be fun. This is the Old School section of the forum after all. The js300 hull is the exact same hull as the 440/550. The mounts in a js300 hull are the same. The differences are in...
  12. ArtMaybee

    No more Brap??? Low-mid-high all gone

    When my CDI went bad I didn't decide to change it until we'd tried EVERYTHING else short of tearing the motor down.
  13. ArtMaybee

    No more Brap??? Low-mid-high all gone

    good point michael... I've seen that before too... I've also had a stock CDI with issues. My boat ran fine as long as you didn't mind it having less power than a 650sj.
  14. ArtMaybee

    No more Brap??? Low-mid-high all gone

    Get the cheap plugs... if you haven't dumped the old gas you should do it now. If your boat ran, any water in the bottom end would have been burned or blown out the exhaust. If you are still seeing water on the plugs after running it, then the water has to be coming from your fuel. an...
  15. ArtMaybee

    No more Brap??? Low-mid-high all gone

    replied before I saw there were three pages of posts.... my reply was too repetitive.
  16. ArtMaybee

    Speedwerx DryPipe - Any Good?

    running your domes designed for domed pistons would most likely give you terrible squish. There would be more cc's in the dome so yes, you would get lower compression... The problem is, those domes aren't designed to work with that piston top and the engine would most likely run like crap. Your...
  17. ArtMaybee

    Speedwerx DryPipe - Any Good?

    hmmm... That's the first time I've ever heard anything like that. If that's the case, why is 180lbs still the max recommended for a 440 which has MUCH smaller bore sizes than we are talking about here. With that logic, a 440 would be able to run higher PSI compression safely than a 701, 760...
  18. ArtMaybee

    Yamaha 701 in X2???

    what makes me curious is this..... the pump in an x2 and the pump in a 750/800 is VERY similar. Basically it's the same pump with the stator vanes relocated. There are probably other small differences like for mounting. I'm wondering what it would take to either mount the 750/800 pump (using...
  19. ArtMaybee

    Is leaded gas okay?

    Leaded fuels will NOT hurt a 4-stroke engine. They WILL kill a catalytic converter if there is one installed though. The only real advantage I could see to running an aviation or other leaded fuel would be consistancy. So much of the fuel coming from pumps now is absolute trash. AVGAS should be...
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