keefer said:
He is talking about the front smooth side of the carb. It has 4 screws and there is a little hole near the top. If it is full of water then it could be holding the needle & seat open causing gas to constantly feed into the jet chamber. This is unusual but possible. I would first do like I said in my previous post an check those plug wires.:banghead:
I beleave my carbs are mounted backwards.. the throddle cable attaches to the carb at the rear of the ski... i'll check for the "Smooth side and the hole" tomarrow.. if there is wateer in there how do i get it out??? I do beleave that my be the problem b/c the brand new plugs are wet agen....
However i do haev access to a Ohm meater, my uncle is down and an Electerical Engineer... has been helping mee trouble shoot this thing...
I'm getting heavy STRONG sparks from the boots when i lay them down on the head sideways w/o the spark plugs in the boot and i am getting a strong spark thats jumping form the boot to the head of the cylender. and with the plugs attached its sparking...
I do not have the stock wires or plugs. I'm using Jet Ski Solutitions wires and MSD boots and running an MSD inhancer.. When you say check for 4500 ohms "
between the spark plug caps" not shure wat your asking there? are you saying pull the Ebox out, yank the expoxyed wires from the Coil and test from teh end of the wire to the BOOT? or something ealts???? i really dont wont to yank a wire out of the Coil that is getting a heavy spark.. thats only going to cause more problems... and i'm using a different wire cable.. so i'm shure the restence is different...???
waxhead said:
i am also talking about the front cover on the engine
to make sure there isnt water inthe front stator area
Whats the frount cover? the top? the head? the flywheel cover??? Very confused on what your are asking.. Total noob.. its ok if you talk down to me... i still might not get it???
Matt_E said:
..the reeds for that side may be bad. Good possibility. Was one carb intake white & milky?
intake? like the flame arresters? havent seen any white/milky fluid anywear... but not shure if i'm looking in the correct spot???